This week, early Homo sapiens in Morocco, mathematicians trying to stop gerrymandering, and going beyond the standard model.

In this episode:

01:01 Ancestors across Africa

New finds in a Moroccan cave paints a wider picture of human history. Research paper: Hublin et al; Research paper: Richter et al; News and Views: On the origin of our species

08:04 The science of gerrymandering

Politicians sometimes change voting boundaries to their advantage. But how do you prove it? Feature: The mathematicians who want to save democracy

14:28 Research Highlights

Precarious gas wells; and mummy DNA. Research Highlight: Old natural-gas wells pose risk; News: Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

16:45 Baffling beauty

Studying the decay of ‘beauty’ quarks could hint at new physical theories beyond the standard model. Research paper: Archilli et al.; Research paper: Ciezarek et al.; Editorial: The strange and subtle behaviour of B mesons could crack open the standard model

23:09 News chat

Trump abandons the Paris climate agreement; and NASA grapples with telescope costs. News: Trump pulls United States out of Paris climate agreement; News: How scientists reacted to the US leaving the Paris climate agreement; News: Space telescope faces cuts

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