Immune signalling in neural development, synaptic plasticity and disease. Boulanger, L. M. & Shatz, C. J. Nature Reviews Neuroscience July (2004) This article discusses how major histocompatibility complex class I molecules not only carry out an immune function, but are also important for normal brain development, neuronal differentiation, synaptic plasticity and even behaviour.

Regulatory circuits and communication in Gram-negative bacteria. Lazdunski, A. M., Ventre, I. & Sturgis, J. N. Nature Reviews Microbiology July (2004)

Cellulosomes: plant cell wall degrading enzyme complexes. Doi, R. H. & Kosugi, A. Nature Reviews Microbiology July (2004)

Insulin-like growth factors and neoplasia. Pollak, M. N., Schernhammer, E. S. & Hankinson, S. E. Nature Reviews Cancer July (2004)

The cutting-edge of mammalian development; how the embryo makes teeth. Tucker, A. & Sharpe, P. Nature Reviews Genetics July (2004)

Hyaluronan: from extracellular glue to pericellular cue. Toole, B. P. Nature Reviews Cancer July (2004) Hyaluronan is well known for its physiological gel-like role, but it can also direct cell behaviour in various processes. Its role in malignancy is outlined.

Tangled NUDELs? Holzbauer, E. Nature Cell Biology July (2004) This News and Views article highlights the recent findings that NUDEL has a new, unexpected function in assembling neurofilaments.

The loader of the rings. Trakselis, M. A. & Bell, S. D. Nature 17 June (2004) In this News and Views piece, structural details of the interaction of the ring-shaped sliding clamp and the clamp loader, which are involved in DNA replication, are discussed.

Focus issue on Toll-like receptor signallingNature Reviews Immunology July (2004)

The road to Toll. Lemaitre, B. This Landmark article describes the thinking and experimental steps behind the identification of Toll as a crucial regulator of immune responses in Drosophila melanogaster.

Toll-like receptor signalling. Akira, S. & Takeda, K. The molecular mechanisms that mediate Toll-like receptor signalling, which controls innate immunity and instructs the development of acquired immunity, are reviewed.