Life is a journey: a genetic look at neocortical development. Gupta, A. et al. Nature Reviews Genetics May (2002).

Putting tubby on the MAP. Grant, S. G. N. Nature Genetics April (2002). This News and Views article discusses the identification of a modifier of the tubby mutation, associated with deafness, neuronal degeneration and obesity, which offers new insights into the molecular mechanisms of sound perception and its disorders.

How Rab proteins link motors to membranes. Goud, B. Nature Cell Biology April (2002). A News and Views article on the recent finding that on melanosome membranes, Rab27a initiates the formation of a receptor complex that allows the recruitment of the actin-based motor myosin Va.

Candidate gene approaches for studying complex genetic traits: practical considerations. Tabor, H. K. et al. Nature Reviews Genetics May (2002).

Effects of psychotherapy on cancer survival. Spiegel, D. Nature Reviews Cancer May (2002).

Stem cells and the future of regenerative medicine. Eaves, S. Nature Medicine April (2002). A review of the book by the Board on Life Sciences, the National Research Council, and the Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health, Institute of Medicine.

Integrin regulation of growth factor receptors. Yamada, K. M. & Even-Ram, S. Nature Cell Biology April (2002). Recent work, discussed in this News and Views article, has identified a unique mechanism for the regulation of growth factor receptor phosphorylation by integrins, indicating ways of achieving cooperation between these signalling systems.

Making order from chaos: the misguided frontal lobe. Ivry, R. & Knight, R. T. Nature Neuroscience May (2002). New functional imaging data indicating that a distributed network of areas within the prefrontal cortex is particularly sensitive to coherent patterns of events are discussed in this News and Views article.

What a privilege to reside at the synapse: NMDA receptor signaling to CREB. Riccio, A. & Ginty, D. D. Nature Neuroscience May (2002). This News and Views article discusses the finding that survival-promoting signals come from synaptic NMDA receptors, whereas extrasynaptic NMDA receptors provide a cell-death signal.

Danger — misfolding proteins. Ellis, R. J. & Pinheiro, T. J. T. Nature 4 April (2002). This News and Views article puts into context two recent papers that address how misfolding and aggregation of normally harmless proteins can cause neuronal damage.