Compiled by Pete Folly, Library Manager

figure 1

Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues

2023; Quintessence

134 pages

eISBN 9781647241629

Musculoskeletal disorders are prevalent among dentists due to sustained poor postures that cause muscle fatigue. Clinicians are often without knowledge of proper posture, positioning and workplace organisation and so can set themselves up for a lifetime of occupational pain and disorders. The author aims to guide readers to understand just why dentistry is a profession with a high risk of musculoskeletal injury. Only with this understanding can these disorders be prevented and the necessary corrections made to lead to painless and quality work.

Through nine concise chapters, this book teaches four basic principles of dental ergonomics: knowledge of body biomechanics, using an ergonomic stool, implementing four-handed dentistry, and working with a surgical microscope. Application of these principles keeps the body in a comfortable neutral posture throughout the working day, enabling dentists to work and live pain-free. If these concepts can be applied starting in dental school, dentists can learn correct habits from the start of their career.

The book is very readable, with stated learning objectives and full references for each chapter. Ergonomic principles are clearly explained with a minimum of technical terms and illustrated with diagrams and photographs.