Patenting the obvious? Check, E. Nature 447, 16–17 (2007). In this article in Nature, reporter Erika Check describes fallout from a preliminary decision to revoke three stem-cell patents.

Human Stem Cell Manual: A Laboratory Guide Loring, J.F. (Ed.) (Academic Press, New York, 2007)

Intellectual property and human embryonic stem cell research Loring, J.F. & Campbell, C. Science 311, 1716–1717 (2006) In this policy forum in Science, Jeanne Loring and Catherine Campbell describe the history of stem-cell patents and potential barriers to research.

Gene therapy: can neural stem cells deliver? Muller F.J., Snyder E.Y., & Loring J.F. Nat Rev Neurosci 7, 75–84 (2006) In this article in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Jeanne Loring and colleagues speculate how stem cells could be used for gene therapy in the brain.

Establishing standards for the characterization of embryonic stem cell lines Loring J.F. & Rao M.S. Stem Cells 24, 145–50 (2006) In this article in Stem Cells, Jeanne Loring and Mahendra Rao propose a collaborative plan for routinely assessing embryonic stem cell lines.

Foundation's stem cell patents impede research, scientists say Somers, T. San Diego Union Tribune 30 July (2006) In the San Diego Tribune, reporter Terri Somers describes the challenge to WARF's stem cell patents.