Reviews & Analysis

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  • Language models offer promises in encoding quantum correlations and learning complex quantum states. This Perspective discusses the advantages of employing language models in quantum simulation, explores recent model developments, and offers insights into opportunities for realizing scalable and accurate quantum simulation.

    • Roger G. Melko
    • Juan Carrasquilla
  • The laws of physics, formulated in a compact form, are elusive for complex dynamic phenomena. However, it is now shown that, using artificial intelligence constrained by the physical Onsager principle, a custom thermodynamic description of a complex system can be constructed from the observation of its dynamical behavior.

    Research Briefing
  • EmerGNN is a flow-based graph neural network (GNN) approach that advances on conventional methodologies for predicting drug–drug interactions in emerging drugs by effectively leveraging biomedical networks.

    • Nguyen Quoc Khanh Le
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  • Transformer methods are revolutionizing how computers process human language. Exploiting the structural similarity between human lives, seen as sequences of events, and natural-language sentences, a transformer method — dubbed life2vec — has been used to create rich vector representations of human lives, from which accurate predictions can be made.

    Research Briefing
  • It is difficult to identify stable surface reconstructions of complex materials. Now a Monte Carlo sampling strategy is coupled with a machine learning interatomic potential that is iteratively improved via active learning during the search.

    • Mie Andersen
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  • Enzymatic pathways control a host of cellular processes, but the complexity of such pathways has made them difficult to predict. Elektrum combines neural architecture search, kinetic models and transfer learning to effectively discover CRISPR–Cas9 cleavage kinetics.

    • David J. Wen
    • Christina V. Theodoris
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  • The visualization and analysis of biological events using fluorescence microscopy is limited by the noise inherent in the images obtained. Now, a self-supervised spatial redundancy denoising transformer is proposed to address this challenge.

    • Lachlan Whitehead
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  • A recent study presents an approach for characterizing and quantifying the pore space in assemblies of particles, enabling research into pore-scale flow physics and insight into the interplay between the solid and void phases in granular materials.

    • T. Matthew Evans
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  • Autoencoders are versatile tools for molecular informatics with the opportunity for advancing molecule and drug design. In this Review, the authors highlight the active areas of development in the field and explore the challenges that need to be addressed moving forward.

    • Agnieszka Ilnicka
    • Gisbert Schneider
    Review Article
  • Using deep learning methods to study gene regulation has become popular, but designing accessible and customizable software for this purpose remains a challenge. This work introduces a computational toolkit called EUGENe that facilitates the development of end-to-end deep learning workflows in regulatory genomics.

    Research Briefing
  • The accurate prediction of molecular spectra is essential for substance discovery and structure identification, but conventional quantum chemistry methods are computationally expensive. Now, DetaNet achieves the accuracy of quantum chemistry while improving the efficiency of prediction of organic molecular spectra.

    • Conrard Giresse Tetsassi Feugmo
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  • The capability of predicting stable materials is important to further accelerate the discovery of novel materials. In this Review, the authors discuss recent developments in machine learning techniques for assessing the stability of materials and highlight the opportunities in further advancing the field.

    • Sean D. Griesemer
    • Yi Xia
    • Chris Wolverton
    Review Article
  • A pairwise binding comparison network (PBCNet) has been established for predicting the relative binding affinity among congeneric ligands, using a physics-informed graph attention mechanism with a pair of protein pocket-ligand complexes as input. PBCNet shows practical value in guiding structure-based drug lead optimization with speed, precision, and ease-of-use.

    Research Briefing
  • Inspired by the classic lock-and-key model and advances in equivariant deep network design, we present a structure-based drug design model, SurfGen, which uses two types of equivariant graph neural networks to learn on protein surfaces and geometric structures to directly design small-molecule drugs.

    Research Briefing
  • Programmability is crucial in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing, facilitating various functionalities for practical applications. An arbitrary programmable time-bin-encoded quantum boson sampling device has been developed, specifically tailored for potential drug discovery.

    • Zhaorong Fu
    • Jueming Bao
    • Jianwei Wang
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  • A guided diffusion model pushes the boundaries of de novo molecular design, extensively exploring the chemical space and generating chemical compounds that satisfy custom target criteria.

    • Ganna Gryn’ova
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  • Deep learning approaches have potential to substantially reduce the astronomical costs and long timescales involved in drug discovery. KarmaDock proposes a deep learning workflow for ligand docking that shows improved performance against both benchmark cases and in a real-world virtual screening experiment.

    • Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin
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