Editorials in 2019

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  • After a year of intense activities, the University of Virginia–Nature Sustainability Expert Panel on behavioural science for design is ready to share its main findings and eager to bring more experts on board.

  • A significant amount of research is needed to determine whether promising technologies in the lab could translate into implementable solutions to achieve sustainability.

  • Continuing debates on resilience reflect ongoing tensions and are vital to the advancement of understanding. Nature Sustainability welcomes them and aspires to promote constructive and forward-looking dialogue.

  • The UN General Assembly will meet later this month at the UN headquarters in New York to adopt a political declaration pledging to accelerate efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

  • Research coupling nutrition and environmental concerns is critical but should increasingly look at ways to integrate insights from psychology.

  • More effective ways of connecting research programmes and initiatives on the ground will amplify the impact of many sustainability scholars and practitioners around the world.

  • Scholars contributing to the Intergovernmental Science–Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) have a lot of in-depth insights to share. Here’s what we recommend to those who are willing to do it.

  • Protecting Madagascar’s unique biodiversity can improve the life of many in the country.

  • Developing a culture of innovation is critical to a successful sustainable development strategy.

  • Transforming human systems to achieve sustainability calls for holistic evidence of their multiple and interconnected facets.

  • Designing policies to maintain human wellbeing within the limits of planet Earth is a daunting task, but scholars and policymakers should embrace the challenge now.
