Nature Index in 2015

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  • Three regions — North America, North & West Europe, and East & Southeast Asia — produced 91% of the overall 2014 output (WFC) in the Nature Index.

    Nature Index
  • There is scope for improvement with the volume and quality of research in this region, but some innovative programmes for study abroad might improve future publications.

    Nature Index
  • Research is dominated by heavyweights Australia and New Zealand but shifts in science policy on both sides of the Tasman Sea are creating uncertainty about the future.

    Nature Index
  • Public health demands might drive advances in research, but scientists, working against the odds, must also strive to publish in global journals.

    Nature Index
  • Strong spending and recruitment keep countries in this region near the top of the world's output in the Index, and scientists from universities collaborate more with their neighbours.

    Nature Index
  • Social change and economic stagnation create challenges for this region's biggest countries, but some of the smaller ones are shining.

    Nature Index
  • International projects — including an advanced particle accelerator and educational facilities — bolster this region's focus on chemistry and physical sciences.

    Nature Index
  • India's dominance continues in this region, but its future funding is tenuous, while neighbouring smaller countries face more fundamental obstacles to scientific success.

    Nature Index
  • While remaining strong in chemistry and physical sciences, buoyed by China's growing contribution, the region embarks on collaborations that could extend its reach.

    Nature Index
  • This region includes lots of strong institutions — from government agencies to universities — but curtailed funding raises concerns for the future.

    Nature Index
  • The Nature Index 2015 Asia-Pacific reveals strong overall results from the traditional science leaders in this region. In addition, some smaller countries excel in specific areas.

    Nature Index
  • Space-travel success inspires the growing science and technology community, but financial difficulties create obstacles and industry is being called upon to take up more of the financial burden.

    Nature Index
  • Reforms are underway to make best use of tight research budgets, but it remains unclear if changes will address Japan's many challenges or further destabilize the deeply unsettled science powerhouse.

    Nature Index
  • Working to build a 'creative economy', the country has boosted its significant science spending with researchers particularly focusing on nanotechnology, nuclear fusion and stem-cell research.

    Nature Index
  • Amid sweeping funding cuts and an often hostile political environment, the country's science leaders look outward for multi-disciplinary collaboration and prepare to take the long-term strategic view.

    Nature Index
  • Increased investment levels continue to signal China's intention of becoming a global research leader and structural reform has been implemented to encourage collaboration on the country's acute needs — such as clean energy.

    Nature Index
  • Even Asia-Pacific's smaller players — notably Singapore, Taiwan and New Zealand — work to improve their scientific and technical capabilities, while several tiny nations in the region are beginning to shine.

    Nature Index
  • Asia-Pacific's leading institutions for high–quality science, ordered by weighted fractional count (WFC) for 2014. Also shown are the total number of articles, and the change in WFC from 2013. Articles are from the 68 natural science journals that comprise the Nature Index (see A guide to the Nature Index, page S75).

    Nature Index