Opinion in 2002

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  • An exhaustive investigation has revealed significant contamination of the physics literature by a researcher. Such incidents are difficult to prevent, but all involved can try harder.

  • Not a moment too soon, the microarray community has issued guidelines that will make their data much more useful and accessible. Nature and the Nature research journals will respond accordingly.

  • A study of the impact of the system of intellectual property rights on drug development has highlighted problems that must be addressed. An influential committee meeting this week has the power to bring about change, and should do so.

  • Parents need to keep offspring occupied in the summer. Universities can help them — and brighten the future of science, too.

  • Since reunification, Germany has witnessed significant scientific development almost regardless of the party in charge. The forthcoming election offers smooth continuation and important challenges, whoever wins.

  • The United States is expected soon to establish its Department of Homeland Security. The precise threats facing the nation are uncertain, but challenges in its preparedness to deal with attacks on health and agriculture are all too obvious.

  • The woes of the biotechnology sector have been compounded by technical obstacles for companies seeking to develop cloning technologies. For benefits to materialize, scientific understanding needs fostering by industry and governments.

  • Political difficulties may stifle the impact of next week's sustainable-development summit in South Africa, but researchers and others must continue to pursue solutions to sustainability issues despite a lack of direction from governments.

  • France's new research minister faces tough challenges in introducing much-needed changes into the research system. Her difficulties are compounded by impending budgetary constraints.

  • Research universities and other institutions are responsible for creating an environment that fosters scientific integrity.

  • Africa's rejection of genetically modified food aid reflects a chasm of misunderstanding that is only exacerbated by exaggerated claims for the benefits of the technology.

  • Britain's chief scientific adviser wants to revamp the government's fragmented approach to science. Let's hope he succeeds.

  • The rich world's corridors of power echo with talk about the new 'war on terrorism'. Meanwhile, most developing countries are losing another war that has already inflicted millions of casualties.

  • The pharmaceutical industry's merger mania has done little to spur the innovation on which its future health will depend. Is it time to rethink the role of research within 'big pharma'?

  • Ad hoc collaborations between Europe's national funding agencies need to be complemented and, to some extent, replaced by a funding agency charged with supporting outstanding researchers from across the continent.

  • Wall Street's technology-led boom distorted the priorities of research agencies. Its bust should remind scientists that public trust requires careful attention to ethics.

  • Advances in the study of embryonic and adult stem cells offer opportunities to boost research on both cell types towards clinical applications. But funding and coordination at national levels will be required to make the most effective progress.
