Opinion in 1991

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  • The British government seems about to end decades of wrangling over the fate of Britain's hedgerows.

  • The new director of the NIH defended herself before the Dingell committee last week but also promised self-restraint. But she has a strong case for reforming the OSI.

  • The new biology has spawned a new industry — that of ethical enquiries into the new biology. But the ethical problems are often neither new nor problematical. Hard heads and plain speaking are the urgent needs.

  • The Liberal Democrats in Britain have made a worthy but unconvincing pass at putting science to rights.

  • The British Anglican plan to boycott Nestlé coffee leaves much logic by the wayside.

  • Contrary to most accounts, last week's summit meeting in London was not a waste of time, but an occasion when several national leaders made promises they can now be asked to keep.

  • The French government is trying out random (as distinct from anonymous) peer review.

  • Protests against the proposed space station Freedom continue, but the US Congress is likely to approve the project. The time has come for counter-arguments of a different kind.

  • The collapse of a British-based bank raises questions about the new world order as well as bankers' probity.

  • Two large companies, IBM in the United States and ICI in Britain, suddenly look vulnerable. Is the explanation their sheer size or, more probably, their ingrained habits?

  • There is a danger that the concept of biodiversity will become an aspect of political correctness.

  • The well-substantiated deviousness of Iraq in attempting to conceal its nuclear facilities should remind the rest of us that there needs to be a durable way of regulating engineering exports.

  • Last Thursday, Washington D.C. was almost shut down by a computer glitch. But life has continued.

  • The British government seems reconciled to yet another European meeting when it is in a minority of one, but the whole of Europe needs better preparation for the grand schemes now under way.

  • A pre-Archaeopteryx animal with wings will have to make its way with difficulty into the world.

  • The choice of Berlin as the new capital of Germany is good for Germany and for the rest of us.

  • Science has become a British election issue, but as yet in an unreconstructed fashion.

  • Efforts to reach agreement on the use of genetic information will be frustrated while the world – and people's capacity to live with truth – is changing as quickly as at present.

  • Monsanto has won a famous legal battle against a frivolous and irresponsible lawsuit.
