Thesis in 2020

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  • Michelle Francl wonders if scientists ought to pen poetry.

    • Michelle Francl
  • If you feel like shifting your attention away from what’s happening here on planet Earth in 2020 for a moment, join Bruce C. Gibb on a tour through the chemistry of the largest planet in the Solar System.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Michelle Francl wonders if it is time to rethink the naming of units.

    • Michelle Francl
  • There are plenty of online resources to ensure that learning can continue for students who cannot access universities during a pandemic, but what options are there for practical aspects of science courses? Daren J. Caruana, Christoph G. Salzmann and Andrea Sella offer a manifesto for home-based experiments.

    • Daren J. Caruana
    • Christoph G. Salzmann
    • Andrea Sella
  • Despite the romantic mythology that often accompanies stories of scientific discovery, pinpointing the exact moment in history when a new concept emerged is often a matter of debate — and the hydrogen bond is no exception explains Bruce C. Gibb.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Michelle Francl worries about the long-term effects of playing by pandemic rules.

    • Michelle Francl
  • Bruce C. Gibb takes a look at the chemistry and biochemistry of intermittent fasting.

    • Bruce C. Gibb
  • Bruce C. Gibb takes a look at the dark side of academia and considers a multitude of sins.

    • Bruce C. Gibb