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  • Piece by piece, scientists are gathering evidence of the growing threat of wet snow avalanches in a warmer world.

    • Olive Heffernan
  • A global effort is underway to restore more than 350 million hectares of deforested and degraded land by bringing together reforestation commitments under the Bonn Challenge. Molly Hawes investigates the benefits and complexities of returning land to forest.

    • Molly Hawes
  • Credit ratings agencies are now accounting for climate change risks in their ratings of credit worthiness. This could incentivize climate risk reduction efforts if it allows organizations access to cheaper credit. Karl Mathiesen investigates the extent to which this is happening in practice.

    • Karl Mathiesen
  • Sometimes policymakers have backed the wrong technologies, lacked ambition or simply not engaged with potential emissions reductions. Sonja van Renssen explores climate policies that have not delivered and why.

    • Sonja van Renssen