Reviews & Analysis

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  • CRISPR-derived base editors can induce guide RNA (gRNA)-independent DNA and RNA off-target edits in eukaryotic cells due to “spurious deamination” by enclosed deaminases. Splitting base editors at a site in a Cas9 nickase-embedded deaminase allows gRNA-mediated base editor reassembly and activation at the target site to suppress unguided off-target edits.

    Research Briefing
  • Microscopic visualization of the ARP2/3 complex showed that it colocalizes with peroxisomes in Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco cells in vivo. Colocalization with an autophagy marker and analysis of peroxisomes in autophagy-mutant or ARP2/3-mutant lines demonstrated that ARP2/3 facilitates peroxisome degradation by the autophagic pathway, that is, pexophagy.

    Research Briefing
  • We assessed climatic and productivity trends across the world’s five Mediterranean forest ecosystems and detected large-scale, abrupt forest browning in Chile. Extreme dry and warm conditions in Chile, unprecedented in the recent history of all Mediterranean-type ecosystems, are projected to arise in the second half of this century.

    Research Briefing
  • In angiosperms, the proliferation and differentiation of egg and central cells need to be repressed before fertilization. Autonomous endosperm development has been observed and well-studied in Arabidopsis mutants of FERTILIZATION INDEPENDENT SEED (FIS)-class POLYCOMB REPRESSIVE COMPLEX 2 (PRC2), but how defects of PRC2 components affect embryo development remains unclear. Wu et al. now describe an essential clue for understanding parthenogenetic embryogenesis from the rice double mutant osfie1 osfie2.

    • Kaoru Tonosaki
    • Tetsu Kinoshita
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  • By assembling a high-quality carrot reference genome and resequencing 630 accessions, a study by Coe et al. reveals the transformative journey of carrot from wild progenitor to modern cultivar and the concomitant accumulation of carotenoids in its taproot.

    • Yafei Guo
    • Fei Lu
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  • Single-nucleus transcriptomic analysis of Medicago roots reveals dynamic cell-specific responses to the Nod factor — a bacterially secreted chito-lipopolysaccharide with a key role in the root nodule symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia — and identifies the receptor-like kinase FERONIA as a phosphorylation target of the Nod factor receptor LYK3, which together function to control nodule formation and bacterial infection.

    • María Eugenia Zanetti
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  • Two independently evolved lineages of holoparasites — Balanophora (Santalales) and Sapria (Malpighiales) — display massively convergent characteristics of genome modifications, including gene loss in major pathways, reduction of multigene families and generally relaxed selection pressure. These findings provide valuable new insights into the fascinating biology of parasitic plants.

    Research Briefing
  • We identified ZmGLK36, a resistance gene against rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV), in maize. ZmGLK36 mediates resistance by regulating jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis and JA-mediated defence response; it also grants resistance to RBSDV to other cereal crops, such as rice and wheat.

    Research Briefing
  • To control the movement of water and nutrients, vascular plants seal the paracellular space between adjacent endodermal cells with a tight junction-like complex comprising the Casparian strip and Casparian strip membrane domain. In rice, GAPLESS proteins mediate the attachment of these two components and enable nutrient homeostasis.

    • Milica Nenadić
    • Joop E. M. Vermeer
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  • A robust strategy to obtain edited crops without integration of a transgene is developed based on co-editing the ALS gene and a gene of interest.

    • Jean-Luc Gallois
    • Fabien Nogué
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  • This Perspective presents an historical overview and recent advances on adenylate cyclases (ACs) and cAMP signalling in plants, including an exploration of the active AC functions moonlighting within multifunctional protein complexes.

    • Aloysius Wong
    • Wei Chi
    • Chris Gehring
  • The inclusion of retrotransposon long terminal repeats — and of other repeated sequences — enhances transfer DNA copy numbers in plant cells during transformation. Gene editing and homologous recombination-mediated gene targeting can therefore be improved by these means: however, the mechanism remains a mystery.

    • Holger Puchta
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  • Phenolic acids, such as salicylic acid, are part of a mechanism that helps to suppress the growth of neighbouring plants. New work shows that phenolic acids inhibit global translation by promoting the sequestration of ribosomal subunits into stress granules.

    • Venkatesh P. Thirumalaikumar
    • Monika Chodasiewicz
    • Aleksandra Skirycz
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  • Highly repetitive regions such as centromeres bedevilled genome assembly for decades until a recent flurry of gapless genome publications. Attention is now focused on interpreting the chromatin within these most repetitive regions, as illustrated by a new paper on simultaneously measuring open chromatin and DNA methylation using long-read sequencing.

    • R. Kelly Dawe
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  • A new study reveals that epigenetic mechanism mediates temperature control of callose synthase expression to regulate opening of plasmodesmata and facilitate bud sprouting in lilies.

    • Aswin Nair
    • Rishikesh P. Bhalerao
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  • High-quality genomes of the cultivated strawberry’s progenitors provide the strongest evidence to date for the identity and chromosomal composition of the four subgenomes of octoploid strawberry.

    • Aaron Liston
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  • Plant organ growth relies on intrinsic genetic factors and sufficient supply of nutrients, including metal ions. This work reveals that the transcription factors SOD7 and DPA4 interact with the transcriptional coactivator GIF1 to coordinate plant organ size control and iron uptake by competing with growth and iron uptake regulators.

    Research Briefing