Reviews & Analysis

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  • Although non-coding RNAs have roles in transcription and chromatin function, nascent pre-mRNA is usually considered to be passive during these processes. Recently identified interactions between nascent pre-mRNAs and regulatory proteins suggest that both types of RNA regulate transcription and chromatin function.

    • Lenka Skalska
    • Manuel Beltran-Nebot
    • Richard G. Jenner
  • In animal cells, actin is dynamically distributed between multiple coexisting arrays. Carlier and Shekhar propose that a global treadmilling process — whereby the various actin networks grow and shrink depending on the local activity of actin regulators — establishes a steady-state concentration of actin monomers that supports this homeostatic actin turnover.

    • Marie-France Carlier
    • Shashank Shekhar