Research Highlights in 2019

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  • A new study finds that, in optogenetic approaches, light delivery itself may affect neural activity via tissue heating.

    • Isobel Leake
    Research Highlight
  • The encoding of salient events as memory traces involves the selective activation of specific neurons in the hippocampus and the inhibition of others, a process shown here to be regulated by GABAergic input from the nucleus incertus in the brainstem.

    • Sian Lewis
    Research Highlight
  • Ptgds-expressing neurons in the preoptic area of anterior hypothalamus detect increases in brain temperature and reduce core body temperature via increased production of prostaglandin D2.

    • Isobel Leake
    Research Highlight
  • Astrocytes internalize and metabolize toxic neuronal lipids in an activity-dependent manner to maintain brain homeostasis.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • Blood-borne pro-ageing signals are transmitted to the brain via VCAM1 and blocking its signalling can prevent cognitive decline in aged mice.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • Certain cellular functions in artificially reperfused pig brains can be restored and maintained several hours after initial loss of cerebral blood flow.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • In monkeys, some neurons in the amygdala may simulate a social partner’s decision-making process in a reward-based decision-making task.

    • Darran Yates
    Research Highlight
  • Certain lasting antidepressant effects of ketamine in a mouse model of depression depend on the restoration of dendritic spines in the prefrontal cortex.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • Grid cells in the rat medial entorhinal cortex distort their firing patterns local to a reward in the environment.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • Sensory stimulus-induced gamma oscillations reduce pathology and cognitive dysfunction in mouse models of Alzheimer disease.

    • Darran Yates
    Research Highlight
  • An intracellular molecule acts in a context-dependent manner to suppress responses to irrelevant guidance cues during axon development.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • In ‘singing’ mice, the motor cortex controls the timing of rapid vocal exchanges to enable turn-taking during social interaction.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • Neurons expressing corticotropin-releasing factor in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus of mice show increases and decreases in activity in response to aversive and appetitive stimuli.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • Targeted ultrasound stimulation can specifically modulate the functional connectivity profiles of targeted structures — including deep structures — in the macaque brain, with effects lasting for up to 2 hours following stimulation.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • The sexually dimorphic responses of male and female mice to their young are regulated by the activity of a specific population of neurons in the medial amygdala.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • The neural ensembles within the prelimbic cortex representing remote (long-term) memories undergo time-dependent reorganization.

    • Sian Lewis
    Research Highlight
  • During nervous system development, secretion of netrin 1 from both the floorplate and the ventricular zone is shown to be important for guidance of commissural axons towards the ventral midline of the spinal cord.

    • Sian Lewis
    Research Highlight
  • The secreted fragment of the amyloid precursor protein binds to a subunit of GABAB receptors to modulate neurotransmission.

    • Darran Yates
    Research Highlight
  • In a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, calcium enters neurons via ‘nanoruptures’ in the cell membrane and accumulates in the cytoplasm of axons, driving axonal degeneration.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight