Research Highlights in 2016

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  • V1 inhibitory interneurons of the spinal cord can be divided into 50 subtypes based on the expression of transcription factors; these subtypes have distinct physiological characteristics and spatial locations and differentially interact with the motor circuits innervating muscles in different limbs.

    • Fiona Carr
    Research Highlight
  • A distinct set of neurons in the hippocampal CA2 region encodes current spatial position in the absence of movement.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • Low-frequency oscillations in the hippocampus of individuals navigating a virtual environment are not associated with sensorimotor processing but instead carry task-related and spatial — including distance-related — information.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • A new study identifies two peptidergic pathways that regulate sighing in rodents.

    • Darran Yates
    Research Highlight
  • A large collaborative study provides a comprehensive analysis of the core molecular networks that are modulated during peripheral axon regrowth after injury.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • Dopaminergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus have a role in mediating the rebound sociability observed in mice following acute isolation from littermates, and this could represent a behavioural state that is similar to loneliness in humans.

    • Sian Lewis
    Research Highlight
  • Projections from the paraventricular thalamus to the nucleus accumbens mediate the somatic response and aversion to opiate withdrawal in mice.

    • Fiona Carr
    Research Highlight
  • Structural variations in the gene encoding complement component 4 — a protein linked to synaptic refinement — are associated with an increased schizophrenia risk.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • In mice, the nutritional and hedonic values of sugar ingestion are mediated by the dorsal and ventral striatum, respectively.

    • Fiona Carr
    Research Highlight
  • The astrocyte-released protein hevin (also known as SPARC-like protein 1) promotes thalamocortical synaptogenesis by acting as a 'bridge' between neurexin and neuroligin isoforms that do not interact directly.

    • Darran Yates
    Research Highlight
  • Hippocampus-dependent contextual memory and striatum-dependent reinforcement memory independently guide visual attention in humans.

    • Fiona Carr
    Research Highlight
  • Synaptotagmin 7 is shown to be the calcium sensor that regulates synaptic facilitation by altering the probability of synaptic vesicle release.

    • Sian Lewis
    Research Highlight
  • Long-range GABAergic projections from the entorhinal cortex to CA1 of the hippocampus suppress feedforward inhibition to allow Schaffer collateral inputs to potentiate CA1 pyramidal neuron responses.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • In mice, an early ablation of myelinating oligodendrocytes can trigger a secondary, CD4+T cell-associated demyelination 30 weeks later, suggesting a possible mechanism for the onset of demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

    • Natasha Bray
    Research Highlight
  • A new study shows that the transient manipulation of neural activity can sometimes have 'off-target' effects, making it challenging to determine the specific neural circuit that generates a particular behaviour.

    • Darran Yates
    Research Highlight