Opinion in 2017

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  • The presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) is an important criterion for the classification of autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, but the specificity of ANA tests is controversial. This Perspectives article critically discusses the methods used in ANA testing for different diseases, as well as ways to improve the use of these assays in clinical and research settings.

    • David S. Pisetsky
  • Necrotizing vasculitis is a classic lesion of polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) and a number of other disorders. This Perspectives article discusses how the characterization and understanding of PAN and related disorders has developed and enabled more-specific treatments.

    • Seza Ozen
  • The pathways by which cells modulate metabolism to attain optimal effector responses present numerous potential therapeutic targets in the context of rheumatic diseases. This article explores the ways in which selective manipulation of metabolic pathways might influence immune cell populations and provide protection from inflammation and disease.

    • Jillian P. Rhoads
    • Amy S. Major
    • Jeffrey C. Rathmell
  • Current osteoarthritis therapies cannot sufficiently target cartilage and guarantee a biological response owing to limitations in the delivery methods. This Perspectives article discusses how electrostatic interactions can be utilized to increase drug penetration and retention in cartilage to provide sustained intra-tissue delivery.

    • Ambika G. Bajpayee
    • Alan J. Grodzinsky