Correction to: Bone Research, published online 18 February 2024

Following publication of the original article,1 the authors reported an error in figure 1. During re-reading our previously published article entitled “Insights and implications of sexual dimorphism in osteoporosis”1 in Bone Research, we regrettably found that the terms of “hematopoietic precursors” and “mesenchymal precursors” in Figure 1b were wrongly reversed, which have been corrected below. Although those modifications do not affect the results and conclusion in the article, all the authors agree to correct this negligence by providing corrected Figure 1, to guarantee the accuracy of the article. The license of the corrected Figure 1 is also enclosed since it was created through BioRender. We sincerely regret and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The original figure 1 should read:

The correct figure 1 should read:

The original article [1] has been updated.