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  • June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month in the United States, where part of the Communications Biology team is based. However, we recognize that Pride Month is just one of many opportunities to celebrate the achievements of this community, and remain committed to using our platform as a journal to amplify and honor queer voices year-round.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Despite recent advances in genotyping technologies, cohorts outside of European ancestries are still underrepresented in genome-wide association studies (GWASs). We recognize the scientific imperative of improving diversity in human genomics, and outline the steps we will take as a journal to empower research involving these underrepresented cohorts.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • 5514 individual reviewers contributed to the peer review process at Communications Biology in 2021. We acknowledge and thank each of them here.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • October 10th marks World Mental Health Day. In an increasingly uncertain world, an understanding of how we can manage our own mental wellbeing and treat mental health conditions is more important than ever. Although much progress has been made in recent years in terms of our abilities to both diagnose and treat mental health conditions, the need to advance our understanding of the underlying mechanisms is continuous. In honour of World Mental Health Day this year, Communications Biology has gathered a Collection of our publications that fill some of the gaps in our current knowledge.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Examining the anatomy of an organism opens up a whole world of exploration into the function of its body, its evolution, and how it interacts with the biotic and abiotic elements in its environment. On the cusp of new advances in technology that have furthered this exploration, the editors at Communications Biology have gathered a Collection of our exciting research in organismal anatomy to highlight the possibilities of this field yet to come.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • July is Disability Pride Month here in New York, where part of the Communications Biology team is based. To mark this occasion, we are featuring a series of scientist interviews on the Nature Portfolio Ecology & Evolution Community site and wanted to elaborate on our motivations behind this post and our hopes for the future concerning the lived experience of disability in science.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • The collection of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes that form microbiota play an important role in both human and environmental health. In recognition of World Microbiome Day, we have curated a Collection of articles, news and commentary to celebrate the diversity of microbiome research published at Communications Biology, and highlight exciting new avenues for the field.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • A recent meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory focused on emerging nucleic acid therapies and the essential academic research that has enabled them. The program encompassed everything from chemical innovations to preclinical and clinical progress, and provided a glimpse of the breakthroughs yet to come.

    • Robert DeLong
    EditorialOpen Access
  • A new year symbolizes new hope for the future, especially this year as we start to see the first wave of vaccines administered against COVID-19. Here, we take stock of the year behind us and look forward to seeing where science takes us in 2021.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Centrosomes are the main microtubule-organizing centers in animal cells, indispensable for cell division and the building of a wide range of cilia, which include sensory and motile cilia. We are now inviting submissions related to the fascinating field of centrosomes, cilia and all of the processes that they are involved in with the aim of highlighting this work in a Special Collection.

    • Tiago J. Dantas
    EditorialOpen Access
  • The metabolism of immune cells is a rapidly developing field with therapeutic implications. In recognition of this exciting area, our journal is welcoming submissions of primary research articles, perspectives, comments, and review articles in immunometabolism with the aim to highlight these articles in a special collection.

    • Shuai Jiang
    EditorialOpen Access
  • We are inviting submissions of articles on the role of mechanobiology in health and disease with the aim of publishing high quality research devoted to advance our understanding of mechanics shaping biological function. We are also happy to present a Collection of papers already published in our journal in this exciting field.

    • Marco Fritzsche
    EditorialOpen Access
  • Communications Biology is committed to improving diversity in our pages, our reviewer pool, and our editorial board. We recognize both the overt and unconscious racism in the sciences and have tasked ourselves with using our platform to amplify Black voices and the voices of all biologists of color.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • We are inviting submissions of articles, perspectives, and reviews on nanomedicine, drug delivery, tumour targeting, and nanotheranostics with the aim of publishing high quality research devoted to nanotechnology for biology.

    EditorialOpen Access