Reviews & Analysis

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  • The electrochemical Leaf (e-Leaf) is an emerging technology that addresses complex enzyme cascades nanoconfined within a porous conducting material—exploiting efficient electron tunneling and local NADP(H) recycling to transduce catalysis and electricity. Here, the authors describe how the e-Leaf was discovered, the steps in its development so far, and the outlook for future research and applications.

    • Bhavin Siritanaratkul
    • Clare F. Megarity
    • Fraser A. Armstrong
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Brønsted basicity can be greatly enhanced by the mechanical entanglement of two or more interlocked molecular subunits within catenanes and rotaxanes. Here, the authors discuss the development of such mechanically interlocked superbases, and outline challenges and opportunities for future directions of research.

    • Giorgio Capocasa
    • Federico Frateloreto
    • Stefano Di Stefano
    Review ArticleOpen Access
  • Molecular complexes with single-molecule magnet or qubit properties are great candidates for quantum information storage and processing, however, device implementation requires controlled surface deposition and property retention, which is a challenge. This Perspective gives a brief overview of molecular properties on a surface relevant for magnetic molecules and how they are affected by surface deposition, pointing out possible ways of overcoming the problems encountered so far.

    • Guillem Gabarró-Riera
    • E. Carolina Sañudo
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Combinatorial biosynthesis of natural products is a method to synthesize structurally diverse molecules with defined modifications. Here, the authors review the various approaches used for combinatorial biosynthesis of fungal natural products by engineering biosynthetic enzymes and pathways to generate novel molecules.

    • Elizabeth Skellam
    • Sanjeevan Rajendran
    • Lei Li
    Review ArticleOpen Access
  • Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is one of the most important fluorescence mechanisms, with multi-step FRET systems enabling sequential energy transfer as seen in natural photosynthetic systems. Here, the authors review recent progress in exploiting discrete supramolecular assemblies to achieve multi-step FRET between donors and multiple acceptors.

    • Dengli Chen
    • Tangxin Xiao
    • Leyong Wang
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Dynamic microscale droplets produced by liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) have emerged as appealing biomaterials, but their instability hinders their assembly into high-order structures with collective behaviors. Here, the authors review current strategies for stabilizing droplets, as well as recent developments in the applications of such LLPS droplets, and provide insights into how stabilized droplets can self-assemble into higher-order structures that display coordinated functions.

    • Mehwish Naz
    • Lin Zhang
    • Jianwei Li
    Review ArticleOpen Access
  • Self-sustainable autonomous soft actuators have emerged as naturally evolving out-of-equilibrium systems that do not require human intervention. Here, the authors discuss recent advances in the field, with a focus on shape-morphing materials, motion characteristics, built-in negative feedback loops, and constant stimulus response patterns.

    • Zhen-Zhou Nie
    • Meng Wang
    • Hong Yang
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Liquid crystal elastomers are shape-morphing materials that demonstrate reversible actuation when exposed to external stimuli, and their actuation depends heavily on the liquid crystal alignment programmed into these materials, using various shape-programming processes. Here, the author reviews current shape-programming methods in relation to the challenges of employing liquid crystal elastomers as soft, shape-memory components in devices in the future.

    • Andraž Rešetič
    Review ArticleOpen Access
  • The signal transducing interface between biosamples and detection devices plays a key role in translating electrochemical reactions into output signals and often governs detection limits and biocompatibility of the sensor. Here, the author reviews syntheses and properties of electrochemical interfaces of field-effect transistor-based biosensors.

    • Toshiya Sakata
    Review ArticleOpen Access