Research Highlights

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  • A recent publication in Nature Communications describes the use of cameras on hovering drones to detect submillimetre displacements of bridge spans.

    • Anastasiia Vasylchenkova
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • A recent publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences describes a fluid-based building interface to reduce energy use for heating, cooling and lighting by selectively tuning light absorption and dispersion. Models showed that this system could reduce the annual energy consumption by up to 43% compared to existing technologies.

    • Mengying Su
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Land subsidence adds to the problem of climate-driven sea-level rise in coastal regions. A recent publication in Nature Sustainability has quantified the relative rates of local land subsidence of 48 major coastal cities worldwide. The study found that relative local land subsidence is more spatially variable than IPCC estimates previously suggested, with cities in Asia suffering the most. The findings could refine predictions of relative sea level rise and better guide actions for planning, designing and implementing protection strategies for coastal cities.

    • Mengying Su
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • In a recent work published in Nature Communications, Dr. Benjamin Schäfer and colleagues demonstrate the effect of Braess’ paradox in power grids, both in a lab-scale mimic and through real-world simulations of the German power network. The results lay the groundwork for more sustainable grid development.

    • Miranda L. Vinay
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • A recent publication in Environmental Sciences: Advances reports flame-retardant, colored and soil-biodegradable nanocellulose bioleather with tensile strength and ductility competitive with traditional leather. Further, the researchers report that these microbial biotextiles have a thousandfold reduction in human toxicity levels compared to cow leather with a carbon footprint lower than cow leather, synthetic leather and cotton.

    • Miranda Vinay
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • A chemical strategy to separate troublesome americium from lanthanides could help reduce the radiological hazards of spent nuclear fuel and create opportunities for waste re-processing.

    • Mengying Su
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Findings from a recent publication in Energy and Buildings show that “net-zero energy” renovations can lead to net-positive energy buildings. But the results also raise concerns for the energy grid and overheating in the summer. The analysis of energy consumption of residential buildings give insight into future performance of a Dutch neighborhood’s deep energy-saving refurbishments.

    • Miranda L. Vinay
    Research HighlightOpen Access