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  • It is the world's biggest medical research charity and it exerts a huge influence over UK science policy. But is the Wellcome Trust becoming a victim of its own success, asks Natasha Loder.

    • Natasha Loder
    News Feature
  • Hubert Markl, president of Germany's Max Planck Society, wants to make the organization work as a coherent whole. As the society prepared for its annual meeting in Munich, he explained his vision to Alison Abbott.

    • Alison Abbott
    News Feature
  • The science of the incredibly small is shedding its sci-fi image. An anticipated influx of US government funds is nurturing a new wave of interdisciplinary nanoscale research, says Colin Macilwain.

    • Colin Macilwain
    News Feature
  • The team that created Dolly the sheep captured the headlines, but several groups now have patents on cloning. Peter Aldhous considers how this tangled web of proprietary claims will affect the future of the technology.

    • Peter Aldhous
    News Feature
  • One of NASA's most productive satellites is about to meet a fiery end. Henry Bortman assesses the achievements of the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, and considers the missions that will follow in its footsteps.

    • Henry Bortman
    News Feature
  • Allan Bradley is to head the Sanger Centre, a powerhouse of the Human Genome Project. Trisha Gura asks how he will meet the challenges.

    • Trisha Gura
    News Feature
  • North America is about to come under intense geophysical scrutiny. Rex Dalton explains how the four projects known as EarthScope will advance our understanding of volcanoes, fault systems and earthquakes.

    • Rex Dalton
    News Feature
  • Pools of latent HIV, lurking in the cells of infected people, remain untouched even by powerful drug combinations. Paul Smaglik reports on how this is forcing researchers to rethink their strategies for fighting the virus.

    • Paul Smaglik
    News Feature
  • For scientists, finding the information they want on the World-Wide Web is a hit-and-miss affair. But, as Declan Butler reports, more sophisticated and specialized search technologies are promising to change all that.

    • Declan Butler
    News Feature
  • Germany's network of national research centres is trying to reinvent itself. Alison Abbott talks to Rudi Balling, the dynamic biologist charged with revitalizing one of the country's scientific underachievers.

    • Alison Abbott
    News Feature
  • A small band of researchers is plotting a revolution in electronics — one that exploits the spins of electrons, rather than their charges. Philip Ball profiles the emerging field of spintronics.

    • Philip Ball
    News Feature
  • A biological gagging order, used in the fight against viruses, could revolutionize our understanding of genetics and development. Trisha Gura listens in on the world of gene silencing.

    • Trisha Gura
    News Feature
  • Just five years ago, it seemed that a single protein might reverse the rising tide of obesity. What worked for mice has not yet translated to people. But watch this space, says Marina Chicurel.

    • Marina Chicurel
    News Feature