Reviews & Analysis

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  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology, mechanisms, diagnosis, management and quality of life of patients with trigeminal neuralgia, a chronic facial pain disorder.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology, mechanisms, diagnosis, management and quality of life of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology of paediatric hydrocephalus and accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Kahle and colleagues.

  • This Primeview highlights the management of glioma, and accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Weller et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology of severe cutaneous adverse reactions, and summarizes the mechanisms, diagnosis and management of this disorder. It accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Hung et al.

  • the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, management and quality of life of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

  • the epidemiology, mechanisms, diagnosis, management and the quality of life of patients with gastric neuroendocrine neoplasms.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, and summarizes the mechanisms, diagnosis and management of this disease. It accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Dheda et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis, and summarizes its epidemiology, mechanisms and management. It accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Lass- Flörl et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms that lead to retinal detachment, and summarizes the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of this disorder. It accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Lin et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathophysiology of Alkaptonuria, a rare inherited metabolic disease, and summarizes its epidemiology, diagnosis and management. It accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Bernardini et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathophysiology of rotator cuff tears and accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Feeley and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology of strongyloidiasis, as well as discussing mechanisms, diagnosis, management and outlook.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms of perioperative stroke, and accompanies the Primer on this topic by Fanning et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension, as well as discussing epidemiology, diagnosis, management and quality of life.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of central neuropathic pain, a chronic pain condition caused by lesion of damage to the central somatosensory nervous system.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of typhoid fever as well as discuss prevention strategies and future research directions.

  • This PrimeView summarizes the pathophysiology of degenerative mitral regurgitation, a form of valvular heart disease.
