Electrodiagnosis articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    The application of artificial intelligence for automated diagnosis of electrocardiograms can improve care in remote settings but is limited by the reliance on infrequently available signal-based data. Here, the authors report the development of a multi-label automated diagnosis model for electrocardiographic images.

    • Veer Sangha
    • , Bobak J. Mortazavi
    •  & Rohan Khera
  • Article
    | Open Access

    The role of automatic electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis in clinical practice is limited by the accuracy of existing models. In that context, the authors present a Deep Neural Network (DNN) that recognizes different abnormalities in ECG recordings which matches or outperform cardiology and emergency resident medical doctors.

    • Antônio H. Ribeiro
    • , Manoel Horta Ribeiro
    •  & Antonio Luiz P. Ribeiro
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is manifested by subtle but significant changes in the brain. Here, Yahata and colleagues devise a novel machine learning algorithm and develop a reliable ASD classifier based on brain functional connectivity, with which they quantitatively measure neuroimaging dimensions between ASD and other mental disorders.

    • Noriaki Yahata
    • , Jun Morimoto
    •  & Mitsuo Kawato
  • Article |

    Sustained pressure on the skin reduces blood flow and causes wounds. Here the authors describe a flexible electronic ‘bandage’ that measures changes in tissue impedance spectra and detects early tissue damage in rats before it can be visualized, thus enabling possible prevention of pressure ulcers.

    • Sarah L. Swisher
    • , Monica C. Lin
    •  & Michel M. Maharbiz