Monokines articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    The turnover of interleukin-1β, a cytokine that plays important roles in both physiologic and pathologic inflammatory processes, is regulated by proteolytic maturation of the pro-form and by ubiquitin-mediated degradation. Here authors identify the specific ubiquitin E3 ligases that form an active complex with UBE2L3, a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, that target pro-IL-1β for proteasomal breakdown.

    • Vishwas Mishra
    • , Anna Crespo-Puig
    •  & Avinash R. Shenoy
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Spondyloarthritis is an inflammatory disease with Th17 cells implicated in the pathogenesis. Here the authors show that patients with spondyloarthritis have increased numbers of GM-CSF-secreting blood and synovial lymphocytes, Th17 or not, that carry a unique transcriptional profile including enhanced GPR65 expression.

    • M. H. Al-Mossawi
    • , L. Chen
    •  & P. Bowness