Proteolysis articles within Nature Communications


  • Article |

    Rad23 accompanies ubiquitinated substrates to the proteasome for destruction but manages to avoid degradation. In this study, Fishbainet that Rad23 escapes because it lacks an effective initiation region; therefore, the proteasome is unable to engage the protein and unfold it.

    • Susan Fishbain
    • , Sumit Prakash
    •  & Andreas Matouschek
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Identifying the transcripts and proteins that fluctuate in response to stimuli provides important information for understanding cell physiology. In this study, 52% of theBacillus subtilispredicted proteome is identified following glucose starvation, revealing further insight into protein dynamics at a global scale.

    • Andreas Otto
    • , Jörg Bernhardt
    •  & Dörte Becher