
The proliferation of the Internet of things is fuelling an unprecedented surge in data generation and advanced processing capabilities to cater to the intricate demands of applications leading to rapidly developing artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The design and implementation of efficient hardware solutions for AI applications are critical, as modern AI models are trained using machine learning (ML) and deep learning algorithms processed by graphic processing unit (GPU) accelerators on the cloud1. However, high energy consumption, latency and data privacy issues associated with cloud-based processing have increased the demand for developing efficient hardware for deep learning accelerators, especially for on-edge processing2. One of the most promising hardware architectures executing deep learning algorithms and neural networks at the edge is in-memory computing (IMC)3. This entails carrying out data processing directly within or in close proximity to the memory. The cost related to data movement is thus reduced, and notable enhancements in both latency and energy efficiency for computation and data transfer operations are obtained4,5,6.

Efficient and functional IMC systems require the optimization of the design parameters across devices, circuits, architectures and algorithms. Effective hardware–software co-design toolchains are needed to connect the software implementation of neural networks with IMC hardware design7. Hardware–software co-design requires optimizations at each level of the process, which involves hundreds of parameters and is difficult to perform manually. Hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS) is a hardware–software co-design method to optimize a neural network while considering the characteristics and constraints of the hardware on which this neural network is deployed. Depending on the goal and problem setting, HW-NAS can also be used to optimize the hardware parameters themselves, such as the design features contributing to hardware efficiency. The parameter space for state-of-the-art neural network models can easily reach the order of 1035 (ref. 8), making it impossible to search for the optimal parameters manually. Traditional NAS frameworks are efficient at automating the search for optimum network parameters (for example network layers, blocks and kernel sizes)9. However, they do not consider hardware constraints, nor can they optimize the parameters of the hardware itself. HW-NAS extends conventional NAS by seamlessly integrating hardware parameters and characteristics, streamlining the efforts of hardware designers and software programmers alike10. HW-NAS can automate the optimization of neural network models given hardware constraints such as energy, latency, silicon area and memory size. Moreover, certain HW-NAS frameworks have the capability to optimize the parameters of the hardware architecture that is best suited for deploying a given neural network. HW-NAS can also help to identify trade-offs between performance and other hardware parameters11. Moreover, conventional NAS frameworks often incorporate operations that are not suited to IMC hardware and disregard inherent IMC hardware non-idealities such as noise or temporal drift within the search framework12. The absence of established IMC NAS benchmarks compounds these challenges. To close these gaps, since the beginning of the 2020s, several HW-NAS frameworks for IMC architectures have been proposed13,14,15,16,17, some of which support a joint search of neural network parameters and IMC hardware parameters. These IMC hardware parameters include crossbar size, the resolution of the analog-to-digital converter or digital-to-analog converter (ADC/DAC), buffer size and device precision.

Existing NAS surveys focus on the software and algorithmic perspectives, discussing search approaches, optimization strategies and search-space configurations18,19,20. Reviews related to HW-NAS discuss a taxonomy of HW-NAS methods, search strategies, optimization techniques, hardware parameters relating to different types of hardware, such as central processing units (CPUs), GPUs, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and traditional application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)9,10,11,20,21. However, an in-depth review of HW-NAS specifically for IMC, with consideration for its unique properties and the available hardware frameworks is not available.

In this Review, we discuss HW-NAS methods and frameworks focusing on IMC architecture search space. We compare existing frameworks and identify research challenges and open problems in this area. A roadmap for HW-NAS for IMC is outlined. Moreover, we provide recommendations and best practices for effective implementation of HW-NAS frameworks for IMC architectures. Finally, we show where HW-NAS stands in the context of IMC hardware–software co-design, highlighting the importance of incorporating IMC design optimizations into HW-NAS frameworks.

In-memory computing background

In traditional von Neumann architectures (Supplementary Fig. 1a), the energy cost of moving data between the memory and the computing units is high. Processor parallelism can alleviate this problem to some extent by performing more operations per memory transfer, but the cost of data movement remains an issue4. Moreover, von Neumann architectures suffer from the memory wall problem — that is, the speed of processing has improved at a much faster rate than that of traditional memories (such as dynamic random access memory (DRAM)), resulting in overall application performance being limited by memory bandwidth4,22. Power efficiency has also ceased scaling with technology node advances, resulting in stalled gains in performance computational density23.

In in-memory computing (IMC), one approach proposed to overcome the von Neumann bottleneck, data processing is performed within memory, by incorporating processing elements (Supplementary Fig. 1b). This alleviates the cost of data movement and improves the latency and energy required for both computation and data transfer4,24,25,26. Tiled architectures for IMC27 are based on a crossbar array of memory devices which can perform multiply–accumulate (MAC) or matrix–vector multiplication (MVM) operations efficiently. Because MVMs constitute the vast majority of their associated operations, the tiled architecture is ideal for hardware realization of deep neural networks28. To implement an efficient IMC system, device-level4,29,30,31,32, circuit-level33,34,35 and architecture-level36 design aspects should be considered37.

In-memory computing devices and technologies

IMC can be built using charge-based memories, such as static random access memory (SRAM) and flash memory, or using resistance-based memories, such as resistive random access memory (RRAM), phase-change memory (PCM), magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM), ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM) and ferroelectric field-effect transistors (FeFETs)4 (Supplementary Fig. 1c). SRAM is a well-developed volatile memory used for IMC applications, whereas the other IMC devices mentioned are non-volatile. Overall, non-volatile memories are less mature than traditional SRAM-based memories but have promising potential for IMC-based neural network hardware due to high storage density, scalability and non-volatility properties. The configuration and operating principle of volatile and non-volatile memories are described in Supplementary Note 1.

The important criteria used to select devices for IMC architectures are access speed for read and write operations, write energy, endurance, scalability, cell area, and cost (Supplementary Fig. 1d). To implement state-of-the-art neural networks, both read and write operation speeds of IMC devices are important for both training and inference, especially considering dynamic operations in some models, such as transformer-based neural networks38. SRAM has the lowest write latency (<1 ns) and highest endurance (>1016 cycles), compared with non-volatile IMC memory devices (Supplementary Fig. 1d). SRAM and some non-volatile memories, such as MRAM, FeRAM and FeFET, have low write energy (<0.1 nJ for SRAM and <1 nJ for non-volatile memories), which can contribute to faster neural network training and dynamic operations. Non-volatile memories, such as RRAM, PCM and Flash memories, have the smallest cell area (approximately 10–16F2, where F is the minimum lithography feature size) and higher scalability and storage density due to the possibility of multilevel storage. In most IMC architectures, memories are organized in a 2D array, but 3D integration and 3D stacking can offer higher storage density. Overall, the most common and scalable memory devices for IMC architectures are SRAMs, RRAMs and PCMs39. Flash-array-based IMC accelerators also show promising results for neural networks and ML applications40. Other possible IMC devices include spin-torque MRAM, electrochemical RAM and memtransistors29. However, they are less common and are at an early stage of development.

Conventional IMC architectures for neural networks

A typical IMC architecture has several layers of hierarchy33,41,42,43,44 (Supplementary Fig. 1e). The highest layer is constituted by tiles typically connected through a network-on-chip that includes the routers to transmit the signal between the tiles. The weight matrix of a neural network can be stored inside a single tile or shared between several tiles. This layer also includes peripheral and interface circuits, such as the global accumulation unit, pooling unit and input–output interface circuits. A tile consists of several computing elements42, also called MAC units or MVM units41,43, and peripheral circuits, including accumulation and activation units. Each computing element contains several crossbar arrays (processing elements) and processing circuits, including multiplexers shared by several crossbar columns, shift-and-add circuits, ADC converters, local registers and control circuits. A crossbar array contains memory cells with one or more devices depending on IMC memory type used in the design.

Some device technologies, such as RRAM and PCM, use a device in series with a switching element to mitigate sneak path currents from cell to cell (which would result in false cell programming or reading) and limit the current in the low-resistance state (to avoid damage and improve variability and endurance). This device can be a two-terminal threshold-switching selector located above or below the resistance-based memory (namely 1S1R); or a complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor transistor (1T1R). This choice typically increases the size of each cell (the resistance-based memory is integrated on the via that comes from the drain and source contacts of the transistor)30. State-of-the-art IMC architectures include ISAAC41, PUMA/PANTHER43,45, TIMELY46, RIMAC47, PIMCA48, HERMES39 and SAMBA49. ISAAC41 is a pipelined IMC accelerator with embedded DRAM buffer banks to store intermediate outputs of the pipeline stages. PUMA45 is a programmable eight-core accelerator with a specialized instruction set architecture and compiler supporting complex workloads. PANTHER43 is an extension of PUMA architecture supporting efficient training for RRAM-based IMC architectures. TIMELY46 adopts analog local buffers inside the crossbar arrays to improve data locality, and time-domain interfaces to improve energy efficiency. RIMAC47 is an ADC/DAC-free IMC accelerator with analog cache and computation modules. PIMCA48 is a capacitive-coupling-based SRAM IMC accelerator with a flexible single-instruction, multiple-data processor for non-MVM operations. SAMBA49 is a sparsity-aware RRAM-based IMC accelerator with load balancing and optimized scheduling.

An alternative to hierarchical architectures is one that combines spatially distributed analog IMC tiles and heterogeneous digital computing cores50. Such an architecture, based on 2D-mesh interconnect51, is highly programmable and supports a wide range of workloads (mapping and pipelining). TAICHI51 is another example of a tiled RRAM-based accelerator with mesh interconnect, local arithmetic units and global co-processor targeting reconfigurability and efficiency.

Since the beginning of the 2020s, several fabricated IMC macros have been demonstrated: a reconfigurable 48-core RRAM-based IMC chip (NeuRRAM) suitable for various applications, such as image classification, speech recognition and image reconstruction52; eight-core RRAM-based IMC macros53,54; a PCM-based fabricated eight-core chip55; a flash-memory-based pipelined 76-core chip with analog computing engine tiles40; a SRAM-based mixed-signal 16-core IMC accelerator with configurable on-chip network, flexible dataflow and scalable cores56; and a MRAM-based IMC core with readout circuits57. In 2023, a mixed-signal IMC chip called the IBM HERMES Project Chip, comprising 64 cores of PCM-based crossbar arrays with integrated data converters, on-chip digital processing and a digital communication fabric, was presented39.

Weight mapping, computing precision and non-idealities

Several software and hardware parameters need to be considered to map a software-based neural network model to IMC hardware. For example, when mapping neural network weight matrices and inputs or activations to IMC crossbars, important parameters are the matrix size, the crossbar size, the precision of weights and inputs, the precision of IMC devices, the resolution of the converters (ADCs and DACs) and the peripheral circuits. In this case, the concept of partial sums should be considered. Partial sums in IMC architectures are applied in three different cases (Supplementary Fig. 1f): (1) when a large weight matrix does not fit into a single crossbar array; (2) when high-precision weights are mapped to low-precision crossbar cells; and (3) when high-precision inputs are streamed to the crossbar sequentially58 (discussed in detail in Supplementary Note 2). Partial sums require specific ADC resolution to maintain the desirable computing precision (Supplementary Note 2), which contributes to on-chip area and energy consumption overhead of peripheral circuits43.

In IMC architectures with non-volatile memory devices, computing precision is also affected by non-idealities, including device-to-device variability, circuit nonlinearity, and conductance variation with time38,59. Such degradation of computing precision can be predicted and mitigated using hardware-aware training methods leading to robust IMC hardware designs38,60. The accuracy degradation caused by non-idealities of the devices can also be improved by periodically calibrating batch normalization parameters during the inference59. Overall, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of noise effects when designing IMC hardware and include mitigation and compensation techniques for non-idealities as part of the design.

Model compression for IMC architectures

Model compression techniques used for neural network optimization, such as quantization and pruning61, can be applied in implementations on IMC architectures to reduce hardware costs. It is too expensive to deploy full-precision neural network weights to IMC devices62, so quantization is often used, reducing occupied memory, data transmission and computation latency63. Network pruning, which removes unnecessary neural network weights or groups of weights, can reduce energy and latency64.

Quantization for IMC architectures

Quantization methods are divided into uniform quantization and non-uniform quantization65. In uniform quantization, the quantization intervals are equally distributed across the quantized range58. An example of non-uniform quantization is logarithmic quantization, that is the power-of-two method66 commonly used for SRAM-based IMC hardware or RRAM-based binarized IMC architectures. More complex quantized weight representations use bit-level sparsity to increase the number of zeros in the bit representation of weights and activations to improve energy efficiency in MAC operation during quantization67,68. Most quantization-related RRAM-based architectures focus on fixed-precision quantization with a uniform quantizer62.

An alternative approach is based on mixed precision quantization, where different quantization configurations are chosen for different layers63,69. This method is effective because different neural network layers and convolution filters have different sensitivity to quantization62 and contribute differently to overall accuracy69. Flexible word length quantization improves compression and reduces accuracy loss compared with uniform quantization70.

In IMC architectures, quantization is performed by either changing the number of crossbar cells per weight or the number of bits per crossbar cell. Analog weight storage (≥2 bits per cell) allows for higher effective cell density (bits mm−2), leading to higher storage density39. However, increasing the number of bits per cell increases the effect of RRAM non-idealities and variabilities. ADC precision, and hence overhead, also increases with the precision of crossbar weights63.

Pruning in IMC architectures

Pruning is divided into unstructured and structured pruning. In unstructured pruning, the individual connections (weights) are removed at a fine granularity. Structured pruning implies coarse-grained pruning of groups of weights (kernel or channel pruning)64,71. In IMC hardware, weight pruning (usually unstructured pruning of individual weights) disconnects unnecessary crossbar cells, leading to sparse neural network hardware implementation. Structured pruning is implemented by removing or disconnecting whole rows or columns of the crossbar array and corresponding peripheral circuits.

Sparsity due to unstructured pruning in IMC architectures can improve energy efficiency and throughput, but it can also lead to unnecessary computation overhead, difficulty in parallelizing processing, and low hardware utilization. Nevertheless, mapping structured row-wise or column-wise pruning to IMC architecture leads to higher crossbar utilization than unstructured pruning64. One of the ways to reach a desired compression ratio via structured pruning is to incorporate several rounds of weight grouping, determining the importance of these groups, followed by fine-grained row-wise pruning64.

Most work on RRAM-based neural network pruning uses heuristics or rules to prune network weights. This can sometimes prune non-trivial weights and preserve trivial weights, leading to sub-optimal solutions. Also, hardware constraints and hardware feedback are not always considered in RRAM-based network pruning72.

Hardware-aware neural architecture search

In the hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS) process, the inputs are neural network parameters, model compression parameters and hardware parameters (Fig. 1a). In some cases, the search space includes hardware search space and model compression options to be optimized. Optimal neural network designs and optimal hardware parameters are searched for within this space using a search strategy (algorithm or heuristic). The main difference between HW-NAS and traditional NAS is the consideration of hardware limitations and constraints in the search. Problem formulation methods are used to define an objective function for the search and a method to incorporate optimization constraints. Some frameworks search only for optimum neural network designs considering hardware constraints, whereas others can incorporate the search of optimal hardware parameters to find the most efficient hardware design. Performance is evaluated using performance metrics and hardware metrics. In this Review, performance metrics refer to a neural network performance characteristic such as accuracy or performance error, while hardware metrics refer to the metrics describing hardware efficiency, such as energy, latency and on-chip area. To evaluate hardware performance, various hardware cost estimation methods can be used.

Fig. 1: Fundamentals of hardware-aware neural architecture search.
figure 1

a, Overview of hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS). b, Efficient deep learning methods for the design space exploration involved in HW-NAS for in-memory computing (IMC). ADC, analog-to-digital converter; DAC, digital-to-analog converter; S&H, sample and hold.

HW-NAS basics

HW-NAS for IMC incorporates four efficient deep learning methods for design space exploration (Fig. 1b), which allow the optimal design of neural network model and hardware to be found: model compression, neural network model search, hyperparameter search and hardware optimization. Model compression techniques, such as quantization and pruning, can be viewed as HW-NAS problems and are often included in HW-NAS flows9. Neural network model search implies searching for neural network layers and corresponding operations, as well as the connections between them73,74. Hyperparameter search includes searching for the optimized parameters for a fixed network — that is, the number of filters in a convolution layer or the kernel size9. Hardware optimization is the optimization of hardware components such as tiling parameters, buffer sizes and other parameters included in the hardware search space. For IMC architectures, hardware optimization may include crossbar-related parameters (such as ADC/DAC precision and crossbar size) that can have an effect on the performance of the architecture, in terms of energy consumption, processing speed, on-chip area and performance accuracy15,75.

The search space in HW-NAS refers to the set of network operations and hyperparameters searched to optimize the network and hardware architecture. The search space can be fixed or hardware-aware11. In a fixed search space, neural network operations are designed manually without considering the hardware. In hardware-aware search, the interlayer and intralayer operations in the network are adapted depending on the hardware.

From the perspective of the search parameters, the search space can be divided into the neural network search space and hardware architecture search space9. The first covers the selection of neural network operations, blocks, layers and the connections between them. The second considers the hardware design, for example IP core reuse on FPGA, quantization schemes, tiling, or selection of buffer sizes. The hardware architecture search space depends either on hardware platform configurations or on predefined templates for different operations to optimize certain hardware parameters9. For IMC architectures, the search space should be extended to include specific hardware-related details, such as crossbar size and precision of the converters (discussed later).

Depending on the HW-NAS objectives, frameworks can optimize a specific neural network or set of network models for a specific or multiple hardware architectures11. Depending on the target hardware, hardware constraints can vary. Hardware constraints can be categorized into implicit constraints and explicit constraints. Implicit constraints are those that do not describe desired hardware metrics directly but affect them implicitly, such as bits per operation. Explicit constraints are the evaluated metrics related to hardware deployment, including energy consumption, latency, on-chip area, memory and available hardware blocks. Typical constraints for IMC architectures include energy consumption, latency and the number of available resources (for example crossbar tiles on a chip).

Problem formulation in HW-NAS

A problem formulation in HW-NAS defines the objective function, optimization constraints and how the problem is formulated. The problem formulation method is selected according to the target output and available information about hardware resources. For example, the HW-NAS target can be either a single architecture with optimized performance and hardware parameters or a set of architectures optimizing hardware parameters with a certain priority. HW-NAS problem formulation is divided into single-objective optimization and multi-objective optimization methods (Fig. 2). The selection of a HW-NAS problem formulation method depends on the objectives of the search. Two-stage methods are suitable for deploying well-performing models to a specific hardware or getting a sub-model from an existing model followed by a specific hardware deployment. Constrained optimization is useful for the case of specified hardware constraints or designing a neural network model for a specific hardware platform. Scalarization methods could be used when setting up the priority of a certain objective function and the Pareto-based optimization for finding the trade-off between the performance metrics and hardware metrics.

Fig. 2: Problem formulation methods in hardware-aware neural architecture search.
figure 2

The methods search for a neural network (NN) model α from the search space A that maximizes a performance metric f or several performance metrics fn for a dataset δ. Constrained optimization uses a hardware (HW) constraint gi with a threshold Ti from a set of hardware constraints I. h( ) is a combination of several performance metrics that can represent weighted summation, weighted exponential sum or weighted product. Data derived from ref. 9.

Single-objective optimization

These methods are categorized into two-stage methods and constrained optimization9. In two-stage optimization, HW-NAS first selects a set of well-performing high-accuracy network models and then performs hardware optimization and selects the most hardware-efficient design. It is useful to transform well-performing neural networks for implementation on different hardware platforms, or to optimize networks for a specific hardware platform. Hardware constraints are included in the second stage of HW-NAS. The drawback of such methods is that the selected network models in the first stage tend to be large to maximize accuracy and may not always fit the hardware constraints of a specific platform. In constrained optimization, hardware parameters are considered when searching for a neural network model. This allows filtering out of network models that do not fit within hardware constraints during the search process, thus speeding up HW-NAS. The challenge of constrained optimization is the difficulty of including hardware constraints directly in the search algorithms, especially in gradient-based methods or reinforcement learning. Therefore, the problem is often transformed into an unconstrained optimization that includes the hardware constraints in the objective function9,76.

Multi-objective optimization

These methods are categorized into scalarization methods and Pareto optimization typically using the NSGA-II algorithm9. The first approach is a multi-objective optimization method when several objective functions are combined via weighted summation, weighted exponential sum or weighted product to set up the significance of the objective term. This approach is useful to set the priority for certain objective terms while not ignoring others, and modifying this weighting based on requirements. During a search, the weights are usually fixed, and multiple runs are required to find the Pareto optimal set or to get a ‘truly’ optimum network model. Therefore, speed is slow and depends on the number of search iterations with different weights. In the second method, a set of Pareto optimal neural network models is searched. The search can be implemented with the evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II9, where the problem is formulated as a linear combination of different objective functions. This method is useful to find trade-offs between performance, accuracy and hardware metrics, especially when searching for the optimal network model for different hardware platforms. Search speed is slow compared with the previous methods, as the whole set of network models on the Pareto curve is searched.

Search strategies: algorithms for HW-NAS

After defining a problem formulation method, a search strategy should be selected (Fig. 3). The search algorithm is a core component of NAS and defines the flow of parameter search. There are three main optimization algorithms used for HW-NAS: reinforcement learning, evolutionary algorithms, and gradient-based methods, such as differentiable search. Less common algorithms include random search and Bayesian optimization. The search algorithm is independent of the problem formulation methods shown in Fig. 2. For example, two different search algorithms can be used in a two-stage problem formulation method in different optimization stages, in a hybrid approach9. Constrained optimization and scalarization method-based problem formulation can be combined with most search strategies, for example reinforcement learning, evolutionary algorithms and Bayesian optimization. Differentiable search is easier to apply for differentiable parameters search, for example, in the first stage of two-state methods when optimizing the neural network model parameters, while using any other algorithm (reinforcement learning or evolutionary algorithm) to optimize the hardware or fine-tuning the model to fit hardware constraints8. Pareto optimization problems are mainly addressed in the literature by evolutionary algorithm approaches, such as NSGA-II77; however, the Pareto optimal set can also be found using other methods78.

Fig. 3: Search strategies in hardware-aware neural architecture search.
figure 3

Summary and comparison of search strategies and their performance parameters, computation and resource requirements. Search strategies in hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS) refer to the algorithms and search techniques used in the search for the optimum parameters. Scalability refers to how scalable the algorithm is when the search space grows. Even though the evolutionary algorithms are not scalable when the search space increases, they are often used as a second step in a two-state optimization, where the first step is a scalable gradient-based method with a super-network search space. Gradient-based methods are scalable, as the search time does not increase exponentially with search space size. Computational demand and memory requirements refer to the resources required to run the algorithm. The scalability of each algorithm in terms of memory consumption depends on the specific algorithm and may vary within the same subset of methods.

In reinforcement-learning-based NAS search, an agent interacts with the environment and learns the best policy to take an action using a trial-and-error approach. The environment is modelled with a Markov decision process63. The algorithm aims to maximize the reward function. The main drawback of reinforcement learning is slow search speed and high computational cost. Reinforcement learning can be applied to RRAM-based architecture63 or used to find the best-performing network models (considering the optimization of hardware resource utilization in an RRAM-based architecture)69. Reinforcement-learning-based automated weight pruning can also be applied for RRAM-based crossbars72,79.

One of the best-known evolutionary algorithms is the genetic algorithm, which is used in several HW-NAS frameworks9. The first step of an evolutionary algorithm is the initialization of a population of networks with a random combination of parameters to start the search. The performance of the networks is then evaluated and scored based on an objective function (also called the fitness function). The best-performing networks are used in a mutation and crossover process, where the parameters of these networks are mixed and some of the parameters are randomly changed to new ones to create a new population. The process is repeated starting from evaluation for several iterations, called generations, until convergence to a set of well-performing network models70,80.

Gradient-based and differentiable search methods use the one-shot NAS approach and weight sharing in a super-network (an over-parametrized network)81. This approach combines all possible neural network models with different parameters in a single super-network using a weight-sharing technique. Compared with reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithm methods, where the evaluated networks are randomly sampled at the beginning of a search from the existing parameters, the weights in a super-network in gradient-based methods are trained at the same time as the search is performed. After training, the super-network is pruned to eliminate inefficient connections and blocks, creating a single optimum network. Differentiable search is the only scalable approach with a differentiable search space, where the search space does not grow exponentially with the increased number of searched hyperparameters. This approach is faster than other methods, as it does not require the training of every single neural network model and therefore has low computational demand. However, differentiable search has high memory requirements for storing an over-parameterized network. An example of differentiable NAS applied to RRAM-based architecture is CMQ62. The super-network search can be performed by evolutionary algorithm or Bayesian optimization methods, which are also suitable for a discrete search space8.

Bayesian optimization82 excels in managing complex search spaces by constructing and iteratively refining a probabilistic model of the objective function. It balances exploration of new architectures and exploitation of known effective configurations. This makes Bayesian optimization a strong contender for optimizing hyperparameters within a set macro-architecture of a neural network. However, it is important to note that the search speed of Bayesian optimization is relatively slow, comparable to that of reinforcement learning methods. Complementing Bayesian optimization, other strategies, such as random search83, the multi-armed bandit approach84 and simulated annealing85, also contribute to the field. Random search, with its simplicity and unpredictability, offers a baseline performance metric and can be effective in certain high-dimensional search spaces. The multi-armed bandit approach, adept at efficiently navigating decisions under uncertainty, and simulated annealing, inspired by metallurgical cooling processes, both provide unique mechanisms for exploring the search space. These methods are valuable for their distinctive ways of handling search space complexities and often find use in scenarios where more advanced techniques may not be as suitable or necessary.

Overall, reinforcement learning16 and evolutionary algorithms12 can produce good results, but they are slow and not scalable. The search space and search time required for reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms increase exponentially with the number of searched hyperparameters. This problem is addressed by differentiable search14, which is scalable and faster than reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms. Therefore, differentiable search is useful for a large search space with many parameters. However, it is important to consider the gradient estimation techniques for non-differentiable parameters. Bayesian optimization is also a promising search strategy. Nevertheless, the application of Bayesian optimization for IMC hardware has not been explored yet.

Hardware cost estimation methods

A major factor in HW-NAS is the estimation methods for hardware performance. There are four different methods for evaluation of a hardware cost (Fig. 4): real-time estimation, lookup table (LUT)-based methods, analytical estimation, and prediction models.

Fig. 4: Hardware cost estimation methods for hardware-aware neural architecture search.
figure 4

Model scalability refers to the scalability across different neural network models. In analytical estimation, model scalability depends on how similar a new model is to the one with already estimated hardware cost metrics. Transferability refers to transferability across different hardware platforms. Transferability of lookup table (LUT) models and prediction models is moderate, as it requires regeneration of LUTs and machine learning (ML) models for prediction, respectively. Transferability of the analytical estimation depends on how similar new hardware is to the already estimated one. Search scalability refers to the scalability with increasing size of the search space, when the number of search hyperparameters grows. ADC, analog to digital converter; NAS, neural architecture search; Xbar, crossbar. Data derived from ref. 9.

In real-time measurement-based methods, the hardware evaluation is performed directly on target hardware in real time. In FPGA-based or microcontroller-based designs, this implies the deployment of the network model to real or simulated hardware9. For IMC architectures, this can be performed directly on IMC chip or using circuit-level simulations such as SPICE, which is difficult to automate. This method ensures highly accurate performance estimation, and it is also scalable for different models and across different hardware platforms; however, it is slow, inefficient and impractical.

LUT-based methods involve the separate evaluation of hardware metrics for every hardware parameter and its storage in a large LUT8,86. During hardware evaluation in HW-NAS, LUTs are used to calculate the total hardware metrics, which are the total energy, the latency or the on-chip area, using the stored results. LUT-based methods are less accurate than real-time measurements and prediction methods, especially when the communication between crossbar tiles or other hardware blocks in IMC architecture is not considered. LUT-based methods are less scalable than other methods, as with the increased search space, the number of required measurements grows combinatorically with the number of parameters. In addition, LUT-based methods are moderately scalable across different neural network models and require regeneration when transferred to other hardware platforms.

Analytical estimation methods imply computing rough estimates of hardware metrics using mathematical equations (such as DNN+NeuroSim87, MNSIM88,89, AIHWKit90 and PUMAsim45 for IMC-based hardware). Such a method is fast and highly scalable when the search space is increased. The scalability of this method across different neural network models depends on how similar a new model is to the already estimated one. The transferability across hardware platforms also depends on the similarity of the hardware architectures. However, it still is not as accurate as real-time measurements. It also requires the initial estimation of hardware metrics from real-time hardware or circuit-level simulations.

Prediction-based methods are based on ML and are trained to use a linear regression or neural-network-based approach to predict hardware metrics91,92,93. These methods require an initial set of hardware parameters and hardware metrics stored in LUTs to train ML models and are fast and highly scalable when adding new hyperparameters to the search space. The scalability across neural network models depends on the similarity of the models. Prediction-based methods support differentiable NAS methods and are more accurate than analytical estimation and LUT-based methods.

Other HW-NAS considerations

Each search strategy and algorithm contains a sampling part, where the neural network models are sampled. In evolutionary algorithm and reinforcement learning-based optimization frameworks, the network models are sampled before the search. In contrast, in differentiable NAS, the best-performing models are sampled after training a supernet. The most common sampling method is uniform and random-uniform sampling, which is simple and effective94. Other methods include Monte Carlo sampling, which guarantees good performance and diversity owing to the randomness of the sampling process, and the Stein variational gradient descent algorithm with regularized diversity, which provides a controllable trade-off between the single-model performance and the predictive diversity95. More advanced sampling methods include attentive sampling aiming to produce a better Pareto front, such as AttentiveNAS framework96, and dynamic adaptive sampling97, where the sampling probability is adjusted according to the hardware constraints.

As search parameters of a neural network models can be non-differentiable, one of the main issues in differentiable NAS is the relaxation of non-differentiable parameters when applying differentiable search methods. As these methods require gradient calculation, the search space should be differentiable. When it comes to HW-NAS and searching for the hardware parameters, this becomes an even more critical issue, as most of the hardware parameters and hardware metrics are non-differentiable98. These relaxation methods allow gradient computation over discrete variables. The most common methods include estimated continuous function, the REINFORCE algorithm, and application of the Gumbel Softmax function using random Gumbel noise in a computation9.

The main challenge in HW-NAS is search speed and runtime performance. To improve the search speed of HW-NAS, several techniques, including early stopping, hot start, proxy datasets and accurate prediction models, are used9. In early stopping, the change in a loss function is monitored for the first few training iterations instead of training the neural network modes completely. In the hot start technique, the search starts from the well-performing efficient network models rather than random ones. In the application of the proxy dataset, small simple datasets are used in the search first, and then the search results are fine-tuned for more complex datasets. To speed up the search, accuracy prediction methods can also be used for accuracy estimation instead of training every sampled network9.

HW-NAS for IMC architectures

State-of-the-art HW-NAS frameworks for IMC

Manually searching for both the optimum design and processing of in-memory architecture is unrealistic, as a search space becomes huge when adding the architecture parameters16 (Supplementary Fig. 2a). Besides neural network blocks, hyperparameter search and optimized compression techniques, the search space for IMC architectures can be expanded to search for IMC crossbar-related hardware components15,16,17,63. The IMC hardware search space considered in these frameworks includes IMC crossbar size, ADC/DAC precision, device precision and buffer size.

Between 2020 and 2023, several HW-NAS frameworks for IMC-based neural network architectures have been introduced (Supplementary Fig. 2b–d and Table 1). Based on which parameters are searched (Supplementary Fig. 2b), the HW-NAS methods for IMC architectures can be divided into three main categories: (1) frameworks containing the ‘true’ NAS searching for the neural network components and hyperparameters12,13,14,15,16,17,80,99,100,101; (2) frameworks in which quantization is presented as an HW-NAS problem, and optimum bit-width is searched considering the hardware feedback62,69,70; and (3) frameworks searching for optimum pruning, formulating the problem as HW-NAS72,79. Compared with ‘true’ NAS approaches, frameworks focused on only quantization or pruning search for optimized model compression techniques while using HW-NAS problem formulation techniques.

Table 1 State-of-the-art hardware-aware neural architecture search frameworks for in-memory computing

Based on the consideration of hardware parameters in a search (Supplementary Fig. 2c), HW-NAS frameworks for IMC can be divided into three categories: (1) frameworks for a fixed IMC architecture optimizing a neural network model for a fixed hardware12,13,14,62,69,70,72,79,80,99,100,101, (2) frameworks with hardware parameters search for a fixed model optimizing IMC hardware for a certain application102, and (3) frameworks for optimum model and architecture search optimizing both neural network model parameters and hardware parameters15,16,17,63. The frameworks for a fixed architecture are designed to optimize the neural network model for a specific IMC hardware. This approach is the most widespread method employed for adjusting a neural network model for a specific ready IMC architecture considering hardware constraints12,13,14,62,69,70,72,79,80,99,100,101. Frameworks for IMC hardware parameters search for a fixed neural network model formulate a hardware optimization problem as a single- or multi-objective optimization problem, rather than optimizing the design manually or using brute force approaches102. The HW-NAS frameworks for both neural network model and IMC hardware parameters search perform co-optimization of software and hardware parameters. This approach is useful to obtain optimum hardware solutions for a particular application, especially at the initial design stages.

In addition, state-of-the-art HW-NAS frameworks can be categorized based on the algorithm used in a search (Supplementary Fig. 2d). The detailed description of each framework and mathematical representation of the problem formulation can be found in Supplementary Note 3.

An HW-NAS framework for IMC that can simultaneously prune, quantize and perform NAS in one flow has not been reported yet. The baseline and optimization functions for the state-of-the-art HW-NAS frameworks for IMC are different, and these frameworks focus on different neural network models and different search strategies (Table 1). Therefore, comparing the performance and search speed of these frameworks is difficult. It is important to note that the state-of-the-art frameworks for HW-NAS for IMC are mostly designed for different types of convolutional neural networks, and it is still an open problem to apply HW-NAS techniques to other types of neural network architectures implemented on IMC hardware.

Two-stage optimization versus joint optimization

The HW-NAS can be divided into the search of an optimized model for a specific hardware architecture taking hardware constraints into account, and co-optimization of a neural network model and hardware parameters (Supplementary Fig. 2c). The second is useful when designing IMC hardware for a specific application, especially when hardware efficiency is critical. As illustrated in Table 1, only a few HW-NAS frameworks for IMC include hardware parameters in the search and perform hardware–software co-optimization. The hardware parameter search can help to design a more efficient hardware implementation of an IMC architecture. To include IMC hardware parameters in the search, there are two possible scenarios of HW-NAS frameworks: two-stage optimization and joint optimization. Comparing it to the problem formulation techniques of HW-NAS shown in Fig. 2, two-stage optimization falls into the category of two-state methods, whereas joint optimization refers to the rest of the HW-NAS problem formulation methods.

In the two-stage optimization, a neural network model search space and hardware search space are separated. After defining the neural network model search space, the set of networks is sampled followed by HW-NAS to select a set of models with high-performance accuracy using a certain search algorithm. When the best-performing networks are selected, the set of networks is passed to the second stage of optimization. In the second optimization stage, the optimum hardware parameters are searched from the set of sampled hardware parameters. Finally, the second search stage outputs the optimum neural network model(s) and optimum hardware parameters.

In joint optimization, a large joint search space consisting of neural network models and hardware parameters is sampled to create a set of random neural network models. Then, HW-NAS is performed, searching for the optimum neural network model and hardware parameters simultaneously. Both performance accuracy and hardware metrics are used to evaluate the performance sampled networks and find the most optimum design.

Two-stage optimization can simplify the search, as the best-performing models are selected in the first stage only based on performance accuracy. This makes the search space smaller in the second stage, where hardware parameters are selected. However, this approach can lead to local optimization and might not explore the search space fully. In joint optimization, the search space is large, which can make the search slower and more complex. However, it also allows the selection of the best-performing models considering design parameters and has more probability of reaching the global solution. Also, as shown in ref. 15, there is a correlation between the hardware parameters and performance accuracy. In addition, the problem formulation methods and end goal of HW-NAS should be considered when selecting the methods to add the hardware parameters to the search.

Outlook and recommendations

Even though methods and frameworks for hardware–software co-design techniques for IMC, and HW-NAS in particular, have already been developed, there are still several open challenges in HW-NAS for IMC to be addressed. This section covers the open issues and future research directions for HW-NAS for IMC and provides recommendations for hardware evaluation techniques, mapping neural network models to hardware, and IMC system co-optimization.

Open problems and challenges in HW-NAS for IMC

A roadmap for HW-NAS for IMC architectures, including state-of-the-art frameworks, open problems and future development, is illustrated in Fig. 5. One of the main challenges is the lack of a unified framework searching for both neural network design parameters and hardware parameters. Moreover, none of the reported HW-NAS frameworks for IMC can prune, quantize and perform NAS in one flow. Combining these three optimizations in a single framework and optimizing a search time for such a large search space is an open challenge for IMC architectures. One example of a similar existing framework is APQ, which targets a constrained NAS problem but for a digital neural network accelerator8.

Fig. 5: Roadmap for hardware-aware neural architecture search for in-memory computing.
figure 5

Summary of what has been accomplished by state-of-the-art hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS) frameworks for in-memory computing (IMC), and main perspectives and directions for future development. AI, artificial intelligence; ASIC, application-specific integrated circuit; CPU, central processing unit; FPGA, field-programmable gate array; GPU, graphical processing unit; GA, genetic algorithm.

Different frameworks focus on different hardware implementations and parameters, and different neural network designs (Table 1). Most of the frameworks focus only on specific issues without considering various HW aspects, such as the study of the correlation between crossbar size and convolution kernel sizes in the search engine NAX15. Therefore, a fair comparison between methods for HW-NAS for IMC is not possible, which leads to a lack of benchmarking of various HW-NAS techniques and search strategies. For the end user, it is still challenging to understand which search algorithm will perform better, what possible speed-up could be provided by certain algorithms, and which techniques of HW-NAS are the most efficient for IMC applications. There is a lack of quantitative comparison of HW-NAS methods, especially considering various hardware parameters in the search.

Moreover, state-of-the-art HW-NAS frameworks for IMC architectures focus mostly on different types of convolutional neural networks for computer vision applications, such as ResNet or VGG. However, there are many other neural network types to which the HW-NAS approach for IMC architectures has not yet been applied, such as transformer-based networks103 or graph networks104. There are open challenges related to hardware–software co-design of such models and IMC architectures for various applications, for example biomedical tasks105, language processing106 or recommender systems81.

In addition to the lack of HW-NAS frameworks for IMC focusing on diverse neural network models, the same applies to HW-NAS benchmarks. In NAS, benchmarks are the datasets describing the accuracy of all the sampled architectures in a certain search space107. NAS benchmarks are important to ensure reproducibility of the experiments and comparison of different methods and algorithms, avoiding extensive computations when generating a search space. These include NAS-Bench-101 (ref. 108), NAS-Bench-201 (ref. 109) and NAS-Bench-360 (ref. 110). It is also important to extend such benchmarks to the hardware domain. For example, HW-NAS benchmarks, including energy and latency, for different types of edge devices, such as mobile devices, ASIC and FPGA, have been demonstrated86. An HW-NAS benchmark for IMC architectures is still an open problem, which is essential to be addressed for further development of HW-NAS algorithms for IMC applications.

From the hardware perspective, most existing frameworks for HW-NAS for IMC focus on the standard mixed-signal IMC architecture14,17,70,99, because of the availability of open-source frameworks for hardware evaluation, such as DNN+NeuroSim87. However, there are a lot of other IMC architectures, where different design parameters, devices and technologies are used. The main issue is the adaptation of state-of-the-art HW-NAS frameworks for the other IMC hardware architectures without implementing the frameworks from scratch.

Further development is required in hardware–software co-design techniques to transfer the neural network model from software to hardware. Techniques to speed up the hardware simulation are needed. Even though most HW-NAS frameworks for IMC use software-level simulations (such as Python or C++) to approximate and speed up simulations of circuits and architectures (as for SPICE-level simulations), further development and improvements in hardware–software co-design frameworks are required7. Moreover, hardware–software co-design includes IMC-related compiler optimizations, which can translate deep learning operations to IMC-friendly hardware implementations.

The complexity and runtime issues of the search algorithms should also be addressed. Although there are various methods to speed up HW-NAS, the architecture search is still complex and slow, especially when a lot of search parameters are considered. Moreover, the complexity of HW-NAS increases even further when IMC hardware search space is considered. In most of the search strategies, except the differentiable search, the search time and search space increase exponentially with the number of search parameters.

Finally, the step further is to create fully automated NAS methods capable of constructing new deep learning operations and algorithms suitable for IMC with minimal human design. One such approach for general ML algorithms and neural networks is illustrated by AutoML-Zero111, which automatically searches for the whole ML algorithm, including the model, optimization procedures and initialization techniques, with minimum restriction on the form and only simple mathematical operations. Such algorithms aim to reduce human intervention in the design and allow constructing of an algorithm and neural network model without predefined complex building blocks, which can adapt to different tasks. Adding IMC-awareness to such methods is a step forward in fully automating IMC-based neural network hardware design.

Hardware evaluation frameworks

The frameworks for HW-NAS require the estimation of the hardware metrics, even when not searching for the hardware parameters. Several open-source hardware estimation frameworks can be used to estimate hardware metrics for standard IMC architecture, such as DNN+NeuroSim87 and PUMAsim45. Both frameworks allow setting up of several computation cores (crossbars) and architecture-related parameters. NeuroSim also includes several hardware non-idealities and precision parameters. In addition, adding hardware non-idealities and noise effects to the search framework is an essential step toward developing highly effective surrogate models, as they can affect the performance accuracy and hardware metrics, and also can be compensated by the selected neural network model parameters15,80,100. One of the open-source frameworks that can be used for IMC hardware non-idealities simulations is GENIEx112. For the non-standard designs, there is still a lack of open-source frameworks, so designers are still required to create custom hardware evaluation frameworks for non-trivial IMC architecture or customize the existing ones. This challenge can be addressed by developing a framework generating IMC hardware description automatically from a neural network model.

Mapping deep neural network models to IMC hardware

Another drawback of the state-of-the-art HW-NAS models for IMC is the lack of consideration of dataflow optimization methods and mapping techniques of ML model to the IMC hardware. Dataflow optimization involves consideration of data movement, including transmission of inputs, outputs, intermediate values and control instructions within the IMC architecture and to the external system components, while mapping covers the split of the neural network model across the available hardware resources. In addition to the several layers of the hierarchy of the IMC architecture, including processing elements, computing elements, and tiles (Supplementary Fig. 1), which should be considered for efficient mapping, the IMC accelerator is also connected to the external memory and cache system (Supplementary Fig. 3). Global registers, SRAM global buffer, cache and DRAM are used for storing and fetching inputs, outputs and neural network weights (in the case of larger deep neural networks when all the layers cannot fit into the accelerator processing elements). Some IMC systems can also have a local cache, such as the RIMAC IMC accelerator that contains a local analog cache to reduce the overhead of ADCs and DACs47. The benefits of IMC — energy efficiency and low latency — can fully be exploited only if the data-path and data-mapping to the external memory are optimized113.

Depending on the workloads and types of layers, the optimum mapping varies. For example, there are several ways to map the convolution layer to the crossbar, including dense and sparse mapping75. However, depth-wise separable convolution layers should be converted to a dense layer form, which yields highly inefficient performance114. Mapping of neural network layers to processing elements, computing elements and tiles is considered in the existing IMC hardware simulators. The design space exploration framework, for example, supports different types of mapping and investigates its effects on the RRAM-based IMC architecture performance75. HW-NAS frameworks based on NeuroSim87 and AIHWKit90 consider the mapping to the real hardware models, and NeuroSim performs the optimization of hardware utilization. Nevertheless, the types of supported layers are still limited, and the hardware architecture is fixed.

In contrast, optimization of data movement from and to the external memory, fetching and storing inputs and outputs considering different levels of the external memory hierarchy, is rarely done in the existing frameworks113. The trade-off between the global buffer or cache sizes and the data movement time affects IMC hardware efficiency. Spatial and temporal data reuse can also reduce latency and improve energy efficiency. Therefore, mapping ML and neural network models to IMC hardware considering the data path and the external memory based on the workloads is a separate optimization problem. One of the existing frameworks that can be used for these purposes is ZigZag115, which aims to optimize even and uneven mapping to large balanced and unbalanced memory hierarchy design space and is suitable for IMC hardware accelerators113.

HW-NAS and IMC co-optimization

As of the beginning of 2024, HW-NAS frameworks for IMC applications mostly cover device-related, circuit-related and algorithm-related optimizations (Fig. 6). However, to design the optimized IMC hardware, the architecture- and system-level design should also be optimized. Therefore, it is important to combine HW-NAS with other optimization techniques.

Fig. 6: Place of hardware-aware neural architecture search in hardware–software co-design.
figure 6

Hardware–software co-design flow covers the optimization of devices, circuits, architectures, systems and algorithms. Hardware-aware neural architecture search (HW-NAS) can be involved in device-level, circuit-level and algorithm-level optimizations. Including optimization of architecture and system-related parameters in HW-NAS is a potential direction of future research, which could help to automate hardware–software co-design and further improve the optimized solutions.

In most state-of-the-art HW-NAS optimization frameworks, the architecture is fixed, including mapping and communication between tiles. However, architecture-related details in IMC architectures should also be optimized. For example, effective on-chip communication and optimized interconnect choice are critical for IMC hardware44.

The system-level design is the part responsible for translating the algorithm to the hardware, which also requires optimization. From the programming perspective, there are various high-level hardware–software co-design concepts requiring design and optimization, including communication of the IMC accelerator with the CPU, programming commands and instructions, issues with shared off-chip memory, and automated scheduling. These challenges related to accelerator programming are rarely considered by IMC hardware designers, even though there are many design aspects to optimize116.

In most cases, IMC accelerators are not used as a standalone system and are considered as co-processors that need to communicate with the host CPU. Control and instruction units on both sides, CPU and IMC accelerator, and extending instruction set architecture are thus needed. Extending instruction set architecture is an abstraction of hardware–software interface defining the main hardware operations and control commands. This interface is a key to support the implementation of different algorithms on hardware117, including mapping different types of neural networks to IMC hardware. Creating instruction set architectures and optimizing the programming of an IMC architecture using high-level languages is important for IMC architectures118. Hardware compilers and automated translation of the software commands to hardware implementation are also open challenges for IMC architectures.

Often external DRAM should be shared between the CPU and IMC accelerator to support storage of large models and large tensors that do not fit on on-chip memories. This point brings in other design issues to consider and optimize, including data sharing, virtual address translation (to translate the memory address used by IMC architecture to the global DRAM address) and cache coherence (if the IMC accelerator shares the cache with the CPU). Also, as swapping and re-loading neural network weights to IMC architecture can reintroduce data movement issues, it can be more practical to split the large network models between the CPU and weight-stationary IMC architecture when it does not fit an IMC accelerator. This point might require additional optimization. Another optimization challenge is the automated runtime scheduling of IMC tasks116. Therefore, consideration of the higher-level programming perspective, automating and simplifying the translation of the software algorithms to hardware, is the next optimization step in IMC hardware accelerators for ML and neural network applications. In general, it is crucial to combine HW-NAS with other optimization techniques to design efficient IMC hardware for AI and ML applications.