Reviews & Analysis

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  • Inhibitors of sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) have long been used in the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, owing to their modulation of glucose levels. Katsuumi and colleagues now show that, in addition to their glycemic effects, SGLT2 inhibitors modulate senescence immune surveillance by downregulating PD-L1 expression on senescent cells.

    • Guangran Guo
    • Corina Amor
    News & Views
  • Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) derived from the blood of young mice are shown to have the potential to extend lifespan and rejuvenate physiological functions in aged mice. Mechanistically, microRNA (miRNA) cargoes within these sEVs alleviated age-related dysfunction by promoting the expression of PGC1α and enhancing mitochondrial energy metabolism.

    Research Briefing
  • A study in Nature Aging on electronic health records from 1.7 million people in New Zealand reveals that most patients with dementia have a history of hospital-treated infection. In a dementia-free population, individuals with a severe infection were at a threefold-higher risk of dementia even 25 years later.

    • Mika Kivimäki
    • Keenan A. Walker
    News & Views
  • Aging-related DNA methylation changes are numerous. Their precise measurement has opened new avenues to explore aging-related disease pathology, including the construction of chronological and biological age predictors (termed DNA methylation ‘clocks’). Three studies investigate the substantial stochastic contribution to these epigenetic changes and further our understanding of aging biology, as well as of these predictors.

    • Christopher G. Bell
    News & Views
  • Zou and colleagues design and analyze a health education program that targeted college students (who were grandchildren) to encourage older persons who had already had their first COVID-19 vaccine dose to receive a booster. The program increased the uptake of booster doses, which highlights the fact that family ties can have positive roles in the context of a pandemic.

    • Bruno Arpino
    News & Views
  • Zhou and colleagues explore reversing testicular aging and late-onset hypogonadism by targeting lysosomal function in Sertoli cells. The aging-related transformation of Sertoli cells into a lipid-hoarding subtype with dysregulated phagolysosomes and autolysosomes was reversed using the TRPML channel agonist ML-SA1, which demonstrates the potential of this targeted therapy in alleviating testosterone decline and systemic male-aging phenotypes.

    • Ariane Zamoner
    • Pedro Fontes Oliveira
    • Marco G. Alves
    News & Views
  • Skeletal muscle is a highly heterogenous tissue that comprises multiple cell types. Leveraging single-cell and single-nucleus experiments, we systematically mapped the cellular and molecular changes across different skeletal muscle compartments with age. We identify neuromuscular-junction accessory nuclei that may be pivotal in mitigating denervation and uncovered differences between myofiber and myonucleus aging.

    Research Briefing
  • The advent of plaque-clearing antibodies to the amyloid-β as the first disease-modifying treatment for Alzheimer’s disease will change the course of this disease, the most common type of dementia. Related progress will gradually alter the trajectory of human aging.

    • Dennis J. Selkoe
  • Our analysis of the spatiotemporal transcriptional features of human ovarian aging at the single-cell level identified the DNA damage response as a fundamental attribute in oocyte senescence. FOXP1, a gatekeeper both in granulosa and in theca and stroma cellular senescence, can be activated by quercetin treatment to delay ovarian aging.

    Research Briefing
  • Wu et al. explore vaccine strategies targeting age-related diseases, as well as senescent cells specifically, as potential underlying drivers of aging itself. They discuss challenges faced in clinical trials, as well as further optimizations required to increase therapeutic efficacy.

    • Ruochen Wu
    • Fei Sun
    • Guang-Hui Liu
    Review Article
  • Staging Alzheimer’s disease on the basis of the disease’s biological underpinnings might help with stratification and prognostication, both in the clinical setting and in clinical trials. We propose a staging model based on only five biomarkers, which are related to amyloid-β and tau pathologies in different ways and can be measured with a single sample of cerebrospinal fluid.

    Research Briefing
  • Xu and colleagues used partial OSKM reprogramming in aged mice to drive cell-type proportions of the subventricular zone to more youthful levels, which equates to qualified rejuvenation of a neurogenic niche that is defined, in part, by restoration of neuroblast levels.

    • Niels C. Asmussen
    • Marissa J. Schafer
    News & Views
  • Intensive blood pressure control has been suggested to reduce the risk of adverse cardiovascular events. However, the effect of intensive blood pressure control on cardiac conduction system disease has not been clarified. Our study in older patients with hypertension identified no effect of intensive blood pressure control on cardiac conduction system diseases.

    Research Briefing
  • After discovering the sensitivity of the adrenal zona reticularis region to aging, we found that low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) deficiency hampers both cholesterol uptake and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) production. This finding reveals the cellular basis for age-related adrenal insufficiency and provides insights for the development of interventions to delay endocrine and systemic aging.

    Research Briefing
  • Epidemiological studies reveal a correlation between hearing loss and the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but the underlying causal mechanisms remain unclear. A study now provides experimental evidence that hearing loss can promote AD via the growth differentiation factor 1 (GDF1) pathway, which may aid in developing potential AD therapeutic strategies.

    • Hong-Bo Zhao
    • Yang Yang
    News & Views
  • On 29–30 November 2023, the inaugural Global Healthspan Summit, convened in Riyadh by the nonprofit Hevolution Foundation, provided a dynamic platform that united experts from diverse sectors to foster collaborative discussions on aging research, innovative healthcare strategies and the healthspan ecosystem. This Meeting Report encapsulates the multifaceted insights that were garnered from the perspectives of science, economics and society.

    • Mehmood Khan
    • Haya Al Saud
    • Michael Torres
    Meeting Report
  • The extracellular matrix is an essential component of the tumor microenvironment and affects cancer progression. Weeraratna and colleagues have now uncovered that age-related reductions in the level of hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 (HAPLN1) stimulate neoangiogenesis and compromise the vascular integrity of intratumoral blood vessels. These biological modifications converge to fuel distant melanoma metastasis.

    • Corine Bertolotto
    News & Views
  • Tissue mosaicism, driven by somatically acquired changes, is an emerging hallmark of aging. This Review coalesces recent discoveries from the hematopoietic system to integrate this phenomenon into the current framework of stem cell aging.

    • Chiraag D. Kapadia
    • Margaret A. Goodell
    Review Article