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  • Zebra finches are passerine birds, but their phylogenetic relationship with non-passerine birds remains controversial. By examining retroposon insertion loci in avian genomes, the authors reveal that parrots are the closest relatives of passerines, which may have implications for understanding the evolution of birdsong.

    • Alexander Suh
    • Martin Paus
    • Jürgen Schmitz
    ArticleOpen Access
  • High-power mechanical energy harvesting could be an alternative to batteries, but efficient energy conversion technology has been missing. Here, a novel mechanical-to-electrical energy conversion method is described that is based on reverse electrowetting and is uniquely suited for high-power energy harvesting.

    • Tom Krupenkin
    • J. Ashley Taylor
    ArticleOpen Access
  • An electron pocket exists in the Fermi-surface of the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy, but its origin is unknown. Here, YBa2Cu3Oy and La1.8−xEu0.2SrxCuO4 are both shown to exhibit Fermi-surface reconstruction, and in the latter, this is due to stripe order, suggesting that the same mechanism exists in YBa2Cu3Oy.

    • F. Laliberté
    • J. Chang
    • Louis Taillefer
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Composites of carbon nanotubes and superconductors provide technologically important new, or improved, functionalities. Here, with a chemical solution approach, well-aligned carbon nanotube forests embedded in a superconducting NbC matrix are shown to effectively enhance the superconducting properties of NbC.

    • G.F. Zou
    • H.M. Luo
    • Q.X. Jia
  • The development of practical photonic quantum technologies will be aided by the spatial control of entangled photons. Lenget al. achieve on-chip spatial control of entangled photons by using domain engineering, rather than by using external optical elements.

    • H.Y. Leng
    • X.Q. Yu
    • S.N. Zhu
  • Chromatin is rendered silent by epigenetic marks when in proximity to telomeres, and, in yeast, this effect requires the histone-modifying enzyme Sir2. In this study, the human Sir2 family member SIRT6 is shown to modulate the telomere position effect in human cells.

    • Ruth I. Tennen
    • Dennis J. Bua
    • Katrin F. Chua
  • Small endothermic animals often drop their body temperature—a process known as heterothermy—to conserve energy. This study demonstrates heterothermy in king penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patagonicus), a finding unexpected for such large birds, but which may account for the chicks’ fasting capacity of five months.

    • Götz Eichhorn
    • René Groscolas
    • Yves Handrich
  • Antisocial punishment, where non-cooperators punish cooperators, is a puzzling empirical phenomenon missing from most theoretical models. Here, antisocial punishment is added to an optional public goods game, revealing that evolution favours antisocial punishment and punishment does not promote cooperation.

    • David G. Rand
    • Martin A. Nowak
  • Being able to determine the wetting properties of individual nanoparticles would aid the preparation of particles with controlled surface properties. Isaet al. develop an in situ freeze-fracture shadow-casting method and use this to determine structural and thermodynamic properties of various 10 nm particles at fluid interfaces.

    • Lucio Isa
    • Falk Lucas
    • Erik Reimhult
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Chemical manipulation of fullerenes has allowed the production of heptagon-containing fullerenes, but they have not been synthesised using bottom-up approaches. Here, a heptagon-containing fullerene[68] is obtained as C68Cl6from a carbon arc plasma.

    • Yuan-Zhi Tan
    • Rui-Ting Chen
    • Lan-Sun Zheng
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Magnesium is an ideal rechargeable battery anode material, but coupling it with a low-cost sulphur cathode, requires a non-nucleophilic electrolyte. Kimet al. prepare a non-nucleophilic electrolyte from hexamethyldisilazide magnesium chloride and aluminium trichloride, and show its compatibility with a sulphur cathode.

    • Hee Soo Kim
    • Timothy S. Arthur
    • John Muldoon
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Bird wings resemble the digits on the hands of dinosaurs, but which digit positions gave rise to those seen in modern birds is still unclear. In this work, long-term fate maps of the chick wing polarizing region are presented, supporting fossil data that birds descended from theropods that had digits 1, 2 and 3.

    • Matthew Towers
    • Jason Signolet
    • Cheryll Tickle